1900 Paris

<ConsommÄ froid la MadrilÄne (chilled consommMadrid style) A work of labor, taking time to first cook beef bouillon and then vegetable broth. It is a dish in a modern-style, incorporating Escoffier's original concept of "chilled soup.">
1 kg crosse (leg of beef)
80 g onions
40 g carrots
30 g celery
50 g poireau (leek)
3 cloves garlic
5 tomatos
1 bouquet garni
estragon in vinegar
30 cc madeira wine
pinch salt
200 g egg whites
4 liters bouillon
some tomatos and red peppers for decoration
  1. Mince beef and chop vegetables finely.
  2. Combine the above meat and vegetables with estragon, madeira wine, and salt in pot. Beat egg whites well in a bowl and add to pot. Mix well.
  3. Slowly add heated bouillon to mixture, blend well. With wooden spatula, scrape bottom of pot until almost boiling.
  4. Scoop a hole in the middle of the mixture, put in bouquet garni, and simmer over low heat for 2 and 1/2 hours.
  5. Strain with cloth, season with salt.
  6. Chill and harden on iced water, and serve in glasses with garnishings of tomatos and red peppers diced into 5 mm cubes.