1900 Paris

< A summery hors d'oeuvre plate. A popular classic to this day>
40 shrimps
1 lemon

    80 cc mayonnaise
    20 cc tomato puree
    some lemon juice
    some cognac
    salt and pepper

    3 liters water
    300 cc wine
    vegetables (onions, carrots, celery, parsely)
    some thyme
    pinch salt
    1/2 lemon
  1. Make court-bouillon by cooking chopped vegetables in the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Boil shrimps in bouillon made above. Peel shrimp tails, chill bouillon and shrimps separately. Combine together when fully chilled.
  3. To make cocktail sauce, simply mix all ingredients.
  4. Serve shrimp with head on plate garnished with lemon and cocktail sauce.