Uncle MoroboshiThis whole tour and the little toys really took me back to my younger days. By the way, Dr. Baltan, why don't you take that stuff off now? I know you must be hot.
Dr. BaltanFo-fo-fo. Actually, I'm not feeling hot.
Uncle MoroboshiI know who you are, darling, but gee, you must have done a lot of research to do all this.
Dr. BaltanFo-fo-fo. Oh no! When did you figure it out? I was sweating like heck.
Uncle MoroboshiI'm sure it was Hoshino's idea to cheer me up. Thank you, honey, this tour's given me courage and strength. I want us to forget about the past and continue living together.
Dr. BaltanI agree, darling.
HoshinoHee-hee-hee. Those two are looking good together again, aren't they? This means we can keep on seeing each other.
AnneI can't believe that Mom and Dad are so simple! They are only looking one meter ahead of them! On this earth love rarely lasts more than three minutes. Well, maybe it is too difficult for you?

AnneBy the way, everybody, some of the products that we have introduced here are out of stock and unavailable at stores. These include the capsule toy Jamilar and candy toys Z-ton and Redking. These products may go on sale again but are difficult to obtain right now. The makers have no stock either. Thank you for your understanding.
See you again!