(The origin of games)
- Kagome, Kagome
- Onigokko (tag)
- Hide and seek

How to play "Kagome Kagome"

How to play the game
Click the princess, then the Oni stop circling around her.
After the voice 'who is the one behind?', click the Oni right behind the princess, then you will know who the Oni is.
If you click the princess without clicking the Oni, the game will start again.

Toss a coin to determine who plays the role of the Oni. The Oni sits down and covers his eyes with his hands. Other children go hand in hand around the Oni, singing the song of "Kagome Kagome". At the end of the song, all children sit down together, and the Oni has to guess correctly the name of the child who sits behind him.
Sometimes that child behind the Oni speaks strangely to give the Oni trouble. If the Oni guesses right, that child becomes the next Oni. If Oni's guess is wrong, the game starts again from the beginning with the same Oni.

How to play "Onigokko (tag)"

How to play the game
Click the Oni running around, and capture him.
If you get him, you will discover who the Oni is.

Someone raises his forefinger and shouts, "Anyone who wants to play Oni tag! Come and stop at this finger!" The gathered children toss a coin to determine who plays the role of the Oni. Then the Oni tries to follow and catch other children as they try to escape. The child caught by the Oni also turns into an Oni.

How to play "Hide and seek"

How to play the game
Search for the Oni concealed in the picture, then click it.
Then you will discover who the Oni is.

First, toss a coin to determine who plays the role of the Oni. The Oni then covers his eyes with his hands and shouts, "Are you ready?" and the other children shout back, "Not yet," and keep looking for a place to hide. Several times they exchange these shouts. When all the children have hidden themselves, they shout, "Ready!" and the Oni starts to look for them in the direction from which he heard their voices. When the Oni has found all the children, the game is over. The first child found by the Oni becomes the next Oni.