Fireworks Mechanism

Properties of Fireworks

Fireworks consist of four elements: sound, color, smoke and shape. These elements can be changed by varying the mixture and combination of ingredients. The higher the temperature, the brighter the light. A large sound is made by an explosion, and the shape of a firework is created by the energy of the expanding gases when it explodes. To create colored smoke, various materials are added to inhibit combustion.

Single and Consecutive Shots

Sky fireworks are shot up with a tube, exploding in the sky. There are three types: single shot, quick shot and consecutive shot.

Size of Ball

A number is used to indicate the size of the firework ball. The larger the number, the larger the ball. The smallest number is 2, and the largest 40. Numbers 3 to 5 are generally used for fireworks displays. A number 3 ball is 8.5 centimeters in diameter, and a number 5 ball weighs between 1,000 and 1,200 grams. A number 40 ball is the largest firework ever made in the world, weighing 250 - 300 kilograms and measuring about 1.2 meters (4 feet) in diameter.

Height and Spread of Japanese Fireworks

The height at which a firework explodes is determined by the length of the fuse, which varies according to the size of the ball, and the amount of gunpowder used to shoot it up into the sky. The balance of the height and spread of a fireworks display is a good measure of the pyrotechnician's skill. Number 3 fireworks generally explode at a height of about 120 meters, number 10 at 320 meters and number 30 at 700 meters. A number 3 ball has a spread of about 60 meters, while a number 30 has a spread of some 600 meters.

Features of Japanese Fireworks

Japanese fireworks are known as being among the world's most exquisite and splendid. They have the following three main features:

  1. Large, circular spread
  2. Each flower or star changes color
  3. One firework can have two or three cores