One of the most common fireworks in Japan, unique to the country, is a display which looks like a bursting flower. There are a number of different types, with such names as peony and chrysanthemum.
Sky Fireworks - Pokamono (Flash)
Like the flower burst, the other main type of fireworks is spherical, but it goes off with a large bang, or spreads out and falls like a weeping willow. Many different names are used, including cannon, falling leaves, flute and moonlight.
Sky Fireworks, Ground Fireworks
Used to create words and images, ground fireworks are also an important part of most fireworks displays. Some famous examples are Niagara Falls and Mt. Fuji. Ground displays also often include rotating fireworks, and interesting themes such as goldfish or weasels. Loud sky fireworks are used during the daytime to announce the beginning of athletic meets and other events. Some even release a flag or parachute.