A Public Park/The Global Village

a library, a small business
a public park
a modern industrial facility
a public park
a railroad
a public park
a library, a town hall
a schoolhouse, a small business
a railroad, a highway beautification fund
a modern industrial facility
a public park.

Prologue and fanfare for the Internet 1996 World Exposition.

Composed and produced by Becknell and Lucas;
featuring a scarlet tanager recorded in the forest at Big Eastern shortly after his return to his breeding range, probably from Brazil. His song, perhaps aimed at the establishment of a breeding territory or the attraction of a mate to share it with, has been edited to our composition. The scarlet tanager, one of the most beautiful neotropical migrants in eastern North America's summertime woodlands, depends on habitat on two continents, reminding us that the "Global Village" is more than a slogan...What good is a park without birds?

recorded 1995 at Big Eastern studio