Web Server Statistics for

Program started at Wed-05-Feb-1997 09:38 local time.
Analysed requests from Mon-19-Aug-1996 15:12 to Mon-16-Dec-1996 00:01 (118.4 days).

Total successful requests: 4 666 284
Average successful requests per day: 39 422
Total successful requests for pages: 722 367
Total failed requests: 57 798
Total redirected requests: 62 020
Number of distinct files requested: 9 268
Number of distinct hosts served: 60 819
Corrupt logfile lines: 76 418
Total data transferred: 40 156 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 347 392 kbytes

Monthly Report

Each unit (+) represents 10 000 requests for pages, or part thereof.

   month:  pages:   #reqs: Mbytes: 
--------  ------  -------  ------  
Aug 1996:  50987:  338249:   3282: ++++++
Sep 1996: 124182:  827249:   7478: +++++++++++++
Oct 1996: 247432: 1637813:  13174: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Nov 1996: 200154: 1260881:  11087: +++++++++++++++++++++
Dec 1996:  99612:  602092:   5136: ++++++++++

Weekly Report

Each unit (+) represents 2 500 requests for pages, or part thereof.

week beg.: pages:  #reqs: Mbytes: 
---------  -----  ------  ------  
18/Aug/96: 20357: 135922:   1406: +++++++++
25/Aug/96: 30630: 202327:   1876: +++++++++++++
 1/Sep/96: 27844: 187533:   1731: ++++++++++++
 8/Sep/96: 21986: 144283:   1230: +++++++++
15/Sep/96: 31337: 207517:   1841: +++++++++++++
22/Sep/96: 32317: 218222:   2031: +++++++++++++
29/Sep/96: 38527: 254698:   2450: ++++++++++++++++
 6/Oct/96: 60791: 404521:   3028: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
13/Oct/96: 62779: 418445:   3276: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20/Oct/96: 57333: 377283:   3063: +++++++++++++++++++++++
27/Oct/96: 53905: 352436:   2808: ++++++++++++++++++++++
 3/Nov/96: 46104: 294077:   2664: +++++++++++++++++++
10/Nov/96: 42012: 246142:   2214: +++++++++++++++++
17/Nov/96: 48105: 307803:   2914: ++++++++++++++++++++
24/Nov/96: 48728: 312983:   2490: ++++++++++++++++++++
 1/Dec/96: 48687: 303283:   2441: ++++++++++++++++++++
 8/Dec/96: 44078: 264895:   2358: ++++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:  6847:  33914:    337: +++

Daily Summary

Each unit (+) represents 4 000 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day:  pages:  #reqs: Mbytes: 
---  ------  ------  ------  
Sun:  95097: 603280:   5086: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon: 102289: 656085:   5784: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 108474: 711640:   6012: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed: 105892: 695898:   6276: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 101989: 662734:   5672: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 108750: 686670:   5826: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat:  99876: 649977:   5501: +++++++++++++++++++++++++

Daily Report

Each unit (+) represents 400 requests for pages, or part thereof.

     date: pages: #reqs: kbytes: 
---------  -----  -----  ------  
 5/Nov/96:  7957: 50736: 467182: ++++++++++++++++++++
 6/Nov/96:  6549: 40770: 416868: +++++++++++++++++
 7/Nov/96:  6798: 39983: 358471: +++++++++++++++++
 8/Nov/96:  5310: 34713: 427404: ++++++++++++++
 9/Nov/96:  5213: 33155: 286138: ++++++++++++++

10/Nov/96:  4347: 28234: 273196: +++++++++++
11/Nov/96:  5187: 32732: 316481: +++++++++++++
12/Nov/96:  5167: 33342: 344886: +++++++++++++
13/Nov/96:  5334: 34090: 300872: ++++++++++++++
14/Nov/96:  5010: 32507: 296884: +++++++++++++
15/Nov/96: 10392: 42568: 394179: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16/Nov/96:  6575: 42669: 340183: +++++++++++++++++

17/Nov/96:  7050: 45201: 348088: ++++++++++++++++++
18/Nov/96:  8087: 43129: 701587: +++++++++++++++++++++
19/Nov/96:  6778: 44821: 373366: +++++++++++++++++
20/Nov/96:  6706: 44690: 401577: +++++++++++++++++
21/Nov/96:  6021: 40512: 339882: ++++++++++++++++
22/Nov/96:  6748: 44523: 358790: +++++++++++++++++
23/Nov/96:  6715: 44927: 460341: +++++++++++++++++

24/Nov/96:  6651: 43307: 361403: +++++++++++++++++
25/Nov/96:  6273: 39812: 318932: ++++++++++++++++
26/Nov/96:  6910: 44172: 370220: ++++++++++++++++++
27/Nov/96:  6534: 43914: 354688: +++++++++++++++++
28/Nov/96:  8101: 50877: 435936: +++++++++++++++++++++
29/Nov/96:  7467: 47572: 346645: +++++++++++++++++++
30/Nov/96:  6792: 43329: 362291: +++++++++++++++++

 1/Dec/96:  6205: 39026: 281144: ++++++++++++++++
 2/Dec/96:  6805: 41809: 340417: ++++++++++++++++++
 3/Dec/96:  6687: 41872: 313901: +++++++++++++++++
 4/Dec/96:  6832: 43472: 363541: ++++++++++++++++++
 5/Dec/96:  7088: 44853: 371954: ++++++++++++++++++
 6/Dec/96:  7447: 45178: 458368: +++++++++++++++++++
 7/Dec/96:  7623: 47073: 369832: ++++++++++++++++++++

 8/Dec/96:  7113: 42905: 327654: ++++++++++++++++++
 9/Dec/96:  7070: 43712: 366685: ++++++++++++++++++
10/Dec/96:  6879: 40705: 417349: ++++++++++++++++++
11/Dec/96:  7198: 40497: 367188: ++++++++++++++++++
12/Dec/96:  5491: 34543: 348619: ++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:  5509: 31866: 265603: ++++++++++++++
14/Dec/96:  4818: 30667: 321392: +++++++++++++

15/Dec/96:  6847: 33911: 344982: ++++++++++++++++++
16/Dec/96:     0:     3:    171: 

Hourly Summary

Each unit (+) represents 1 500 requests for pages, or part thereof.

hr: pages:  #reqs: Mbytes: 
--  -----  ------  ------  
 0: 23877: 154065:   1361: ++++++++++++++++
 1: 19668: 112354:   1101: ++++++++++++++
 2: 12547:  78855:    755: +++++++++
 3:  8705:  54016:    534: ++++++
 4:  6773:  39832:    403: +++++
 5:  6539:  38978:    334: +++++
 6:  6920:  40952:    375: +++++
 7:  9307:  54074:    500: +++++++
 8: 21947: 131112:   1114: +++++++++++++++
 9: 36805: 236254:   2228: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
10: 44665: 297743:   2514: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11: 47904: 314740:   2490: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12: 41317: 272913:   2178: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13: 45858: 302980:   2642: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14: 50298: 334583:   2624: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15: 53648: 354396:   2855: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16: 52463: 347039:   2980: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
17: 40284: 263139:   2256: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18: 32780: 212381:   1720: ++++++++++++++++++++++
19: 33014: 211614:   1808: +++++++++++++++++++++++
20: 35525: 229860:   2005: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
21: 32639: 208121:   1849: ++++++++++++++++++++++
22: 29977: 193222:   1865: ++++++++++++++++++++
23: 28907: 183061:   1667: ++++++++++++++++++++

Hourly Report

Each unit (+) represents 20 requests for pages, or part thereof.

     date:hr: pages: #reqs: kbytes: 
------------  -----  -----  ------  
13/Dec/96:01:   131:   739:   5642: +++++++
13/Dec/96:02:    40:   280:   2516: ++
13/Dec/96:03:    76:   443:   3174: ++++
13/Dec/96:04:    65:   295:   2089: ++++
13/Dec/96:05:    61:   381:   3443: ++++
13/Dec/96:06:    25:   123:    937: ++
13/Dec/96:07:    92:   635:   3976: +++++
13/Dec/96:08:   122:   821:  14706: +++++++
13/Dec/96:09:   226:  1461:  11683: ++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:10:   494:  2508:  22758: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:11:   439:  2515:  26008: ++++++++++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:12:   313:  1632:  10999: ++++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:13:   353:  1989:  12297: ++++++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:14:   384:  2232:  26782: ++++++++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:15:   317:  2101:  14730: ++++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:16:   316:  1934:  12849: ++++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:17:   405:  2302:  13894: +++++++++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:18:   329:  1589:   9633: +++++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:19:   354:  1774:  11184: ++++++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:20:   275:  1878:  15174: ++++++++++++++
13/Dec/96:21:   184:  1119:   9884: ++++++++++
13/Dec/96:22:   136:   931:   8227: +++++++
13/Dec/96:23:   199:  1111:  12947: ++++++++++

14/Dec/96:00:    94:   601:  13272: +++++
14/Dec/96:01:    97:   707:   5635: +++++
14/Dec/96:02:   119:   725:  13794: ++++++
14/Dec/96:03:    58:   297:   2700: +++
14/Dec/96:04:    40:   334:   2705: ++
14/Dec/96:05:    27:   185:   1847: ++
14/Dec/96:06:    26:   176:   1008: ++
14/Dec/96:07:    50:   389:   3184: +++
14/Dec/96:08:   170:  1027:   8010: +++++++++
14/Dec/96:09:   260:  1721:  19728: +++++++++++++
14/Dec/96:10:   393:  2948:  25720: ++++++++++++++++++++
14/Dec/96:11:   473:  2528:  21196: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
14/Dec/96:12:   274:  1667:  10637: ++++++++++++++
14/Dec/96:13:   288:  1722:  12596: +++++++++++++++
14/Dec/96:14:   285:  1653:  16959: +++++++++++++++
14/Dec/96:15:   341:  2268:  17968: ++++++++++++++++++
14/Dec/96:16:   341:  2253:  33036: ++++++++++++++++++
14/Dec/96:17:   279:  1901:  38857: ++++++++++++++
14/Dec/96:18:   269:  1600:  11582: ++++++++++++++
14/Dec/96:19:   203:  1190:   8531: +++++++++++
14/Dec/96:20:   185:  1265:   8775: ++++++++++
14/Dec/96:21:   213:  1353:  11837: +++++++++++
14/Dec/96:22:   169:  1072:  19008: +++++++++
14/Dec/96:23:   164:  1085:  12807: +++++++++

15/Dec/96:00:   132:   754:   9099: +++++++
15/Dec/96:01:    98:   671:   5297: +++++
15/Dec/96:02:    29:   183:   1462: ++
15/Dec/96:03:    28:   160:   1130: ++
15/Dec/96:04:   138:   337:   2367: +++++++
15/Dec/96:05:   230:   449:  10526: ++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:06:   169:   613:   6254: +++++++++
15/Dec/96:07:    41:   432:   5882: +++
15/Dec/96:08:   200:   792:   8520: ++++++++++
15/Dec/96:09:   297:  1730:  18078: +++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:10:   340:  1933:  14611: +++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:11:   407:  2299:  17906: +++++++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:12:   457:  2157:  18211: +++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:13:   383:  2456:  28225: ++++++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:14:   525:  2668:  20919: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:15:   407:  2279:  19086: +++++++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:16:   462:  2026:  13798: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:17:   339:  1873:  23873: +++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:18:   512:  2028:  12432: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:19:   539:  1771:  20686: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:20:   433:  2072:  15361: ++++++++++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:21:   266:  1717:  13613: ++++++++++++++
15/Dec/96:22:   179:  1357:  46678: +++++++++
15/Dec/96:23:   236:  1154:  10967: ++++++++++++

16/Dec/96:00:     0:     3:    171: 

Domain Report

Printing all domains, sorted by amount of traffic.

  #reqs: %bytes: %pages:  pages: %bytes: Mbytes: domain
-------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------
3916788: 81.93%: 80.96%: 584851: 81.93%:  32900: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 316070:  7.17%:  7.91%:  57151:  7.17%:   2878: .tw (Taiwan)
 128331:  3.32%:  3.13%:  22632:  3.32%:   1334: .net (Network)
 102308:  2.33%:  3.25%:  23500:  2.33%:    937: .com (Commercial, mainly USA)
  75227:  1.89%:  1.57%:  11311:  1.89%:    759: .edu (USA Educational)
  30201:  0.73%:  0.65%:   4668:  0.73%:    294: .jp (Japan)
  11365:  0.40%:  0.25%:   1821:  0.40%:    161: .au (Australia)
  13910:  0.36%:  0.30%:   2162:  0.36%:    146: .ca (Canada)
   7482:  0.29%:  0.35%:   2526:  0.29%:    115: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
   8723:  0.23%:  0.18%:   1336:  0.23%:     91: .uk (United Kingdom)
   6326:  0.13%:  0.13%:    911:  0.13%:     52: .sg (Singapore)
   4660:  0.09%:  0.11%:    768:  0.09%:     36: .cn (China)
   2860:  0.08%:  0.06%:    418:  0.08%:     32: .se (Sweden)
   3164:  0.08%:  0.08%:    593:  0.08%:     30: .nz (New Zealand)
   2249:  0.07%:  0.05%:    337:  0.07%:     29: .gov (USA Government)
   3568:  0.07%:  0.07%:    478:  0.07%:     28: .my (Malaysia)
   3433:  0.07%:  0.08%:    571:  0.07%:     27: .de (Germany)
   2871:  0.06%:  0.06%:    468:  0.06%:     25: .kr (South Korea)
   1392:  0.06%:  0.03%:    209:  0.06%:     25: .fi (Finland)
   2164:  0.06%:  0.04%:    294:  0.06%:     24: .fr (France)
   2066:  0.06%:  0.04%:    293:  0.06%:     22: .nl (Netherlands)
   4292:  0.05%:  0.32%:   2324:  0.05%:     20: .hk (Hong Kong)
    484:  0.04%:  0.01%:     63:  0.04%:     17: .at (Austria)
    768:  0.04%:  0.01%:    105:  0.04%:     16: .mil (USA Military)
    729:  0.04%:  0.02%:    118:  0.04%:     15: .il (Israel)
   1441:  0.03%:  0.04%:    312:  0.03%:     12: .us (United States)
    258:  0.03%:  0.01%:     51:  0.03%:     10: .ru (Russian Federation)
    913:  0.02%:  0.02%:    114:  0.02%:     10: .dk (Denmark)
   1291:  0.02%:  0.02%:    173:  0.02%:      9: .th (Thailand)
   1091:  0.02%:  0.02%:    163:  0.02%:      8: .it (Italy)
   1015:  0.02%:  0.03%:    184:  0.02%:      8: .id (Indonesia)
     32:  0.02%:       :     10:  0.02%:      7: .co (Colombia)
   1023:  0.02%:  0.02%:    165:  0.02%:      7: .no (Norway)
    775:  0.02%:  0.01%:     88:  0.02%:      7: [unknown]
    394:  0.02%:  0.01%:     82:  0.02%:      6: .es (Spain)
    715:  0.01%:  0.02%:    121:  0.01%:      6: .br (Brazil)
    630:  0.01%:  0.01%:    104:  0.01%:      6: .ch (Switzerland)
    194:  0.01%:       :     33:  0.01%:      5: .pt (Portugal)
    641:  0.01%:  0.01%:     91:  0.01%:      5: .arpa (Old style Arpanet)
    593:  0.01%:  0.01%:     85:  0.01%:      4: .za (South Africa)
    442:  0.01%:  0.01%:     59:  0.01%:      4: .si (Slovenia)
    537:  0.01%:  0.01%:     80:  0.01%:      4: .be (Belgium)
     69:  0.01%:       :     12:  0.01%:      4: .ee (Estonia)
    336:  0.01%:  0.01%:     65:  0.01%:      2: .pl (Poland)
    308:       :  0.01%:     58:       :      2: .ph (Philippines)
    176:       :       :     27:       :      2: .ar (Argentina)
    155:       :       :     21:       :      2: .cr (Costa Rica)
    124:       :       :     28:       :      1: .kw (Kuwait)
    189:       :       :     27:       :      1: .ie (Ireland)
    169:       :       :     32:       :      1: .mx (Mexico)
    120:       :       :     19:       :      1: .lv (Latvia)
     87:       :       :     13:       :      1: .sk (Slovak Republic)
     97:       :       :     13:       :      1: .su (Former USSR)
     98:       :       :     15:       :      1: .gr (Greece)
    106:       :       :     17:       :      1: .hu (Hungary)
     72:       :       :     10:       :      1: .ni (Nicaragua)
     62:       :       :     12:       :      1: .bn (Brunei Darussalam)
     54:       :       :     10:       :      1: .lu (Luxembourg)
     65:       :       :     16:       :       : .cz (Czech Republic)
     43:       :       :     17:       :       : .lb (Lebanon)
     69:       :       :     15:       :       : .hr (Croatia)
     47:       :       :     12:       :       : .do (Dominican Republic)
     52:       :       :     10:       :       : .tr (Turkey)
     43:       :       :     27:       :       : .in (India)
     36:       :       :      7:       :       : .yu (Yugoslavia)
     25:       :       :      2:       :       : .gt (Guatemala)
     19:       :       :      2:       :       : .kz (Kazakhstan)
     16:       :       :      4:       :       : .mt (Malta)
     19:       :       :      9:       :       : .cl (Chile)
     21:       :       :      3:       :       : .ae (United Arab Emirates)
     20:       :       :      3:       :       : .bm (Bermuda)
     15:       :       :      2:       :       : .na (Namibia)
     20:       :       :      5:       :       : .is (Iceland)
      4:       :       :      1:       :       : .pk (Pakistan)
     13:       :       :      2:       :       : .gl (Greenland)
     18:       :       :      4:       :       : .eg (Egypt)
      9:       :       :      3:       :       : .bg (Bulgaria)
     23:       :       :      3:       :       : .sm (San Marino)
     13:       :       :      2:       :       : .jo (Jordan)
     10:       :       :      2:       :       : .bs (Bahamas)
      5:       :       :      2:       :       : .ve (Venezuela)
      9:       :       :      1:       :       : .mo (Macau)
      4:       :       :      2:       :       : .cy (Cyprus)
      6:       :       :      1:       :       : .pe (Peru)
      5:       :       :      1:       :       : .lc (Saint Lucia)
     11:       :       :      1:       :       : .ge (Georgia)
      2:       :       :      2:       :       : .lk (Sri Lanka)
      2:       :       :      2:       :       : .bh (Bahrain)
      2:       :       :      2:       :       : .ro (Romania)

Host Report

Printing the first 100 hosts, sorted alphabetically.

#reqs: %bytes: pages: kbytes: host
-----  ------  -----  ------  ----
   13:       :     2:     77:              csa042.emirates.net.ae
    8:       :     1:     63:              csb094.emirates.net.ae
   20:       :     3:    312:              ppp-04.einstein.com.ar
   43:       :     5:    331:              ppp-07.einstein.com.ar
   33:       :     3:    341:             ppp1-010.overnet.com.ar
    2:       :     2:      8:             router1-p03.pccp.com.ar
    5:       :     1:     25:             router1-p06.pccp.com.ar
   10:       :     2:     54:             router1-p11.pccp.com.ar
   10:       :     0:     68:                 weby.startel.com.ar
    7:       :     1:     30:                    fiqus.unl.edu.ar
    1:       :     1:      3:                dialup2.anice.net.ar
    2:       :     1:      4:                    ras6.isol.net.ar
   32:       :     6:    488:                      w3.isol.net.ar
    3:       :     1:      3:             ts2-ppp1.starnet.net.ar
    8:       :     1:     32:               ppp10.rcac2.retina.ar
    6:       :     2:     69: kyky.g3.ntu.edu.tw.177.112.140.in-addr.arpa
   21:       :     2:    177: fan.mc.ntu.edu.tw.112.140.in-addr.arpa
   10:       :     1:    154: lbm.me.nctu.edu.tw.158.113.140.in-addr.arpa
   21:       :     2:    177: fred.mgt.ncu.edu.tw.83.115.140.in-addr.arpa
   59:       :     8:    457: java.mgt.ncu.edu.tw.83.115.140.in-addr.arpa
   47:       :     5:    209: gamma.et.ntit.edu.tw.2.118.140.in-addr.arpa
   21:       :     2:    177: win95.cs.nchu.edu.tw.120.140.in-addr.arpa
   21:       :     2:    177: bullhead.cs.ccit.edu.tw.36.132.140.in-addr.arpa
    5:       :     1:     24: ts1-14.f043.quebectel.com.169.142.in-addr.arpa
    9:       :     3:     78:
   30:       :     3:    227:
   58:       :     9:    428: dec5133.ncree.gov.tw.138.192.192.in-addr.arpa
    5:       :     1:     63: sun18.tccgeb.edu.tw.189.192.192.in-addr.arpa
   25:       :     4:    193: toyota.tccgeb.edu.tw.189.192.192.in-addr.arpa
    1:       :     1:      1: modem4.army.mod.uk.216.193.194.in-addr.arpa
    1:       :     1:     50: raksess30.raksnet.com.tr.50.54.194.in-addr.arpa
    9:       :     3:    114:     tomasz.214.138.198.in-addr.arpa
  123:       :    18:    998: rd.fet_cfp.com.tw.202.39.202.in-addr.arpa
   20:       :     2:    236: cp1486.gov.bta.net.cn.2.96.202.in-addr.arpa
   65:       :     9:    472: lily.singnet.com.sg.183.127.203.in-addr.arpa
    1:       :     1:      1: uranus.netlink.com.au.172.16.203.in-addr.arpa
   50:       :     6:    254: tim.eden.com.tw.165.66.203.in-addr.arpa
    8:       :     1:     32:          sam.46.75.203.in-addr.arpa
    1:       :     1:       : speargun-x.datalytics.com.227.62.204.in-addr.arpa
   14:       :     2:    106: annex03-quebec-ppp-
   10:       :     1:     46: annex04-quebec-ppp-
   24:       :     4:    215:                      dom0030.arthur
   21:       :     3:    125:                 cache.tu-graz.ac.at
   15:       :     2:    122:              edvtsma13.tuwien.ac.at
   32:       :     4:    315:                  proxy.tuwien.ac.at
    2:  0.02%:     0:   6275:          slip11.edvz.uni-linz.ac.at
    2:  0.02%:     0:   6275:           slip9.edvz.uni-linz.ac.at
    5:       :     0:     28:           student7.bwl.univie.ac.at
   38:       :     5:    250:            ebone-proxy.univie.ac.at
   26:       :     3:    260:                 unet10.univie.ac.at
   74:       :     9:    965:                 unet15.univie.ac.at
   22:       :     3:    213:                 unet18.univie.ac.at
   14:       :     1:       :                 unet21.univie.ac.at
   27:       :     2:    342:                 unet22.univie.ac.at
    8:       :     1:     95:                 unet25.univie.ac.at
    9:       :     1:     57:                  unet3.univie.ac.at
   41:       :     7:    373:                         evil.aec.at
   13:       :     2:     92:                   proxy2f.cso.co.at
   17:       :     2:    157:                 graz8.net4you.co.at
    3:       :     1:      7:                 www-proxy.magnet.at
    8:       :     2:     65:                 nesihp04.iaea.or.at
   16:       :     2:    140:                     wksun2.wk.or.at
    1:       :     0:      1:                  colada1.telecom.at
   42:       :     8:    445:                          ns2.via.at
   26:       :     3:    245:                     orf1.orf.via.at
   22:       :     2:    186:                     info2.xpoint.at
   42:       :    33:    330:                     www.acay.com.au
    2:       :     2:      7:                solar.accsoft.com.au
  109:       :    12:   1488:              user135.accsoft.com.au
   12:       :     2:     46:              user139.accsoft.com.au
   13:       :     2:     54:              user151.accsoft.com.au
   16:       :     1:    224:              user152.accsoft.com.au
   27:       :     3:    211:              user153.accsoft.com.au
    6:       :     1:     98:            dialup7.actonline.com.au
    3:       :     1:      3:      guardian_ppp.aesprodata.com.au
   10:       :     1:    111:              alpha.alphalink.com.au
   21:       :     2:    176:                    ip147.ans.com.au
   36:       :     4:    348:                    ip171.ans.com.au
    6:       :     2:      8:                sylvester.bhp.com.au
    7:       :     2:     70:                 ppp-11.break.com.au
   21:       :     2:    177:               ppp-bri-138.ca.com.au
   12:       :     2:    130:                      star.ca.com.au
  141:       :    24:   1058:               myalla.connect.com.au
    5:       :     1:     33:              myalla0.connect.com.au
  186:  0.01%:    23:   4735:              myangup.connect.com.au
    1:       :     0:      5:             myangup0.connect.com.au
    5:       :     1:     25:            dy01.curie.dialix.com.au
   12:       :     2:     77:            dy07.curie.dialix.com.au
   21:       :     2:    177:            dy10.curie.dialix.com.au
  127:       :    25:   1477:           dy03.newton.dialix.com.au
   15:       :     2:    170:            natproxy.ferntree.com.au
    2:       :     1:     12:             syd02igw.fujitsu.com.au
    6:       :     1:     98:                   ax1.healey.com.au
    1:       :     1:      6:                    bird.ibis.com.au
   52:       :     4:    221:                icenet.icenet.com.au
    3:       :     1:      3:                  mawa.icenet.com.au
   34:  0.02%:     5:   6531:           cracker.intercoast.com.au
    3:       :     1:      3:            gtooma.intercoast.com.au
    9:       :     3:     68:                    mdm04.ion.com.au
    3:       :     1:      4:                   kookoo.jna.com.au

Directory Report

Printing all directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by amount of traffic.
Printing directories to depth 3.

  #reqs: %bytes:  pages: Mbytes: directory
-------  ------  ------  ------  ---------
2178530: 38.33%:     15:  15391: /SUNNET/GIFS/
  38753: 14.80%:   6143:   5942: /Government/Theme/Asia_Pacific_Rigional/
  66429:  5.42%:  26475:   2178: /Government/Theme/Taiwan_Tour/
  81526:  3.68%:   9896:   1480: /Culture/Arts/Cyears/
  34489:  3.34%:   5938:   1342: /Government/Theme/Environmental_Ecological/
 357682:  3.34%:  35291:   1339: /dci/wins/first/
 103345:  2.63%:  12511:   1058: /Culture/Arts/flowers/
  79621:  2.34%:  12537:    938: /Culture/Arts/first/
  85802:  2.31%:      9:    929: /Culture/gifs/
 200918:  2.00%:  31113:    802: /Government/
  84953:  1.89%:  19732:    761: /Government/Events/August_Event/
  74576:  1.82%:  20615:    732: /Culture/
  92936:  1.81%:  32047:    726: /dci/wins/win1/
 302672:  1.67%: 302661:    669: [root directory]
 175379:  1.60%:  10929:    644: /dci/wins/win3/
  31061:  0.92%:  14827:    371: /Culture/itri/wac/
  49727:  0.84%:  12686:    338: /dci/wins/win2/
  32222:  0.84%:   3370:    337: /Culture/Indigenes/
  20854:  0.75%:   1899:    303: /Cca/
  70420:  0.71%:  15395:    286: /Government/Events/June_Event/
  41780:  0.69%:   6889:    279: /Culture/Events/season/
  26694:  0.63%:   8892:    255: /Culture/museum/npmtr/
  10232:  0.40%:      1:    161: /motc/taneeb/imgs/
  15865:  0.40%:   4104:    160: /Government/Pavilions/Executive/
  15115:  0.39%:   4103:    156: /Culture/Arts/
  17427:  0.39%:      2:    155: /motc/hsr/gifs/
  42563:  0.38%:   7600:    152: /Government/Pavilions/
   3575:  0.34%:   3575:    137: /SUNNET/Guestbook/
   6816:  0.29%:   1517:    116: /motc/hsr/10/
   5546:  0.28%:   2934:    111: /Government/Theme/
  18049:  0.28%:   4507:    111: /Government/Events/Presidential_Election/
  20891:  0.27%:   4415:    107: /motc/iot/chinese/
  38502:  0.24%:   5811:     97: /dci/wins/win4/
  12985:  0.23%:   2853:     91: /Government/Theme/Social_Welfare/
  10116:  0.21%:   4256:     85: /Government/Theme/Economic_Political/
   6790:  0.20%:   2783:     80: /Government/Theme/Administrative_Reform/
   6847:  0.20%:   4536:     79: /Culture/museum/twnmsu/
   7214:  0.19%:   1813:     76: /Government/Theme/About_Taiwan_ROC/
   5385:  0.19%:   1839:     75: /Government/Pavilions/Local_Government/
   5581:  0.17%:   3191:     68: /Government/Theme/Administrative_Review/
   2114:  0.13%:    738:     51: /motc/hsr/20/
   3415:  0.13%:   1441:     51: /motc/hsr/60/
   8089:  0.12%:   3149:     49: /Government/Events/April_Event/
  12215:  0.12%:   3834:     48: /motc/iot/english/
   5363:  0.10%:   5363:     41: /SUNNET/Whats_New/
   8309:  0.10%:   8309:     41: /SUNNET/Special_Events/
   4540:  0.10%:   1185:     40: /motc/hsr/50/
   6824:  0.10%:    785:     38: /Government/Historical_Taiwan/
  11582:  0.08%:   1550:     31: /Government/Pavilions/Central_Govnment/
   9994:  0.07%:   1377:     30: /Government/Geographical_Taiwan/
   6258:  0.07%:   1201:     29: /Government/Events/December_Event/
   3386:  0.07%:      3:     29: /motc/trupo/railimg/
   4780:  0.07%:   1370:     27: /Cca/center/
   3291:  0.07%:    524:     27: /Government/Events/Grand_Opening/
   4419:  0.06%:    684:     24: /Government/Homepage_Gallery/g1/
   6381:  0.06%:    558:     24: /SUNNET/Homepage_Gallery/Access/
   1396:  0.06%:    418:     23: /motc/hsr/30/
   3142:  0.06%:    350:     23: /Cca/center/a308/
   1291:  0.06%:    313:     23: /Cca/org/
   1657:  0.06%:    993:     23: /Culture/museum/flab/
   1479:  0.05%:    413:     21: /Government/Homepage_Gallery/g2/
   3470:  0.05%:    655:     20: /SUNNET/Homepage_Gallery/NCU/
   4469:  0.05%:   1659:     18: /Government/Events/
   4681:  0.04%:   4681:     18: /SUNNET/Welcome/
   3879:  0.04%:    730:     17: /Government/Homepage_Gallery/
   2699:  0.04%:    299:     17: /SUNNET/Homepage_Gallery/Magic/
   2135:  0.04%:    744:     16: /Government/Events/September_Event/
   4327:  0.04%:   1126:     15: /Government/Pavilions/President/
      6:  0.03%:      3:     14: /dci/hp002/
    444:  0.03%:    123:     11: /Cca/member/
   1793:  0.03%:    498:     10: /Culture/Events/lantern/
    862:  0.02%:     91:     10: /Cca/imfor/
    332:  0.02%:    125:     10: /Cca/budget/
   7394:  0.02%:   6892:     10: /Culture/museum/
    768:  0.02%:    395:     10: /motc/hsr/40/
   2334:  0.02%:   2334:      9: /motc/taneeb/
   1311:  0.02%:    159:      9: /Cca/center/a303/
    625:  0.02%:     78:      8: /Cca/center/a304/
   1055:  0.02%:    142:      8: /Cca/center/a314/
    932:  0.02%:    131:      7: /Cca/center/a307/
    931:  0.02%:    462:      6: /Culture/Arts/four/
   3597:  0.01%:   3597:      6: /Culture/Events/
    616:  0.01%:     86:      6: /Cca/center/a301/
    806:  0.01%:     85:      6: /Cca/center/a305/
    459:  0.01%:      0:      6: /gifs/
   1534:  0.01%:   1533:      5: /motc/trupo/
    879:  0.01%:     89:      5: /Cca/center/a309/
    670:  0.01%:     91:      4: /Cca/center/a313/

File Type Report

Printing all extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by amount of traffic.

  #reqs: %bytes:  pages: Mbytes: extension
-------  ------  ------  ------  ---------
3438521: 65.28%:      0:  26212: .gif
   1043: 17.19%:      0:   6904: .avi
 363573: 11.29%:      0:   4532: .jpg
 274009:  2.58%: 274009:   1036: .html
 271508:  2.12%: 271508:    851: .htm
 119609:  0.47%:      0:    187: .GIF
   4946:  0.42%:      0:    170: .AU
 176850:  0.35%: 176850:    142: (directories)
    518:  0.16%:      0:     65: (no extension)

Status Code Report

  #occs: no. description
-------  ---------------
3891692: 200 OK
  62020: 302 Document found elsewhere
 774592: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
  55870: 404 Document not found
   1928: 500 Internal server error

This analysis was produced by analog1.92beta1/Unix.
Running time: 7 minutes, 17 seconds.

HTML 2.0 Conformant!