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Divine Revelations for Humanity. P.O. Sir Edmund Hillary.
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Brazil, August 07 th 1996. To the Newspapers, Televisions Channells, Artists, Magazines and World People. Your help for divulging the Four Divine Revelations will be the most benefict for Humanity, Nature and Life. We can begin this through your Country.


The terrorism and the atrocities of man against Nature an Humann Life will only en up with the practice of the Four Divine Revelations inf order to do it, I nÆeed your help for us to show this to the World during the Olympics Games in Atlanta, USA,together we will be remember in History as the Mankind Benefactor. Please in name of God... anwser for my, belevieme, in name of God.

Sincerelly, JosΘ Pedro Naisser. Brazil. E-Mail : farol1@lepus.celepar.br. TO THE NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, TVSTATION, ONU,UNESCO, UNICEF, GOVERNOS, SCIENTISTS, ASTRONOMERS, BUSINESSMEN, OPINION-MAKERS, BIOLOGISTS, FOUNDATIONS , ONGÆS, AND ALL THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD. DIVINE REVELATIONS TO HABITAT2 STAMBUL ALL THE HUMANITY,NATURE IN LIFE IN THE WORLD. Fighting to try slouving for the Newspapers, Magazines, and TV Companies, Businessmen, and also for Habitat 2 in Stambul,Turkey, the Four Divine Revelations received directly fron Jesus Christ togrther with an Angel, whon I belivie,is the some who announced the birth of the Criator to the Magi,the Actions to the Salvation to the Planet Earth, which, unfortunately, suffers from the Sindromes of Grediness, Materialism, Lack of Solidarity to Life and a deep lach of respect to Nature, which does not belong to anybody. To this great mession that I.m asking for Help. Your name was carefully selected so that I could keep with this mission; it is in our hands the great opportunity to fall apart the Speech of Reality,the Dreaming of Action. The non-knowleadge and the lack of Consciousness is leading the Humans to face the most difficult challenges. This can appear to millions of people as Hunger, Thirst, Earthquakes, -Drought,Storms, Floods,in case there will be no change in the Human.s Consciousness by the end of Century XX and biginning of the III Millenium. For this mission it is necessary the help of people opinion leaders like you and noboy can be unconcerned to this cause,but they can ask: what to do? what can we do? what should we do? I say that we have to have the courage towards this difficult mission whith Billions of Children will be the Leaders of the Campaign. With the introduction of the subject Environmental - Education at Schools,we can have the Urban garbage Recycling,in a first phase of 70% for - Ecologycal Seal. It will result in millions of emplajement all over the World. We will also have the return of people to the country field,since nowadays they migrate to the Metropolitan areas,exclusively in Latin America. With the increase of Harvests,the only ones able to maintain the Humans in the Planet,Revitalizing of Forests by the Rivers and Agricultural properties,since the Rivers are responsible for the Water,fundamental element for our existence, 50% Reduction of of Water Waste in the Planet by the Environmental Education and Everybody.s Consciousness. I am ready for round-tables,lectures,detectors of lie,because this Four Revelation s can be introduced immediatly in the5 Continents,what I need is to slow all over the World what was passed to me by the Criator. Learing the thiony,and putting in the practice, I am sending it to great Movie Makers Mr. Richard Attenborough,Mr.Bernardo Bertolucci,Stivie Spielberg,Akira Kurozawa,Franco Zeffirelli, Claude Leloch, Movies and T.V. Chanells, with the purpose be made a great Movie with this True Fact,with the participation,bisedes the artists,onf the GOVERNORS, UNESCO, ONU ,UNICEF,BIRD, WORLD BANK, BUSINESSMEN, SCIENTISTS, ASTRONOMERS, OPINION LEADERS, AS YOU ARE, BIOLOGYST AND THE NET IN COMPUTERS, INTERNET, which will have an important role on the speading of this Divine Revelations,bisides all the media service that covers all the universe,and the Children,our Bigger Patrimony to the guarantee of the Future Generations in the defense of Nature and Life. As a humble Brasilian, I received the mission to slow the World these Divine Revelations, the only thing I need is a Complete Computer ,so that I can access the Internet,and to divulgue the Project by a Home-Page so, I trust in the sensibility of the Businessmen. The rights are registred in favor HUMANITY,NATURE,AND LIFE,as it was asked me to. For this, I will include your names too,so that a legate will remain for The Future Generations, and the people who Participate in this Campaign will be named Benefactors of Humanity. THAT COMPREHENSION WILL ALWAYS BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER UNTIL THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GIVING AND RECEIVING LOVE. ôNATURE AND LIFE ALSO BELONG TO THOSE WHO ARE STILL TO COMEö


To the Newapapers and TV Stations and Magazines,Cientists,Governants, and Universities IÆd like to show with exclusivity in this programme and extraordinary report story which are the Four Divine Revelations,able to change menÆs conscienciusness,all over the five continens,in favor of Nature an Life. I can be the greatest report ever showed in a TV programme,newspaper and magazines. ItÆll answer,in the name of God,the milenar questions ôWho are We? Where did we come From? Where are we going to? I am aware of the great reduction in the food production necessary to the humanÆs life maintenance in the Planet. To prove this,we had a 15% lesser wheat,barley,and harvest in the past 50 yers,in the United States,punished by the cold weather and the absence of water. In Asia,the rice,wheat,and barley production was 15% lesser,also affected by the absence of water in seed germination. In Brazil and Latin America,the great problem in the production of corn,wheat,rice,and beans,leads to poverty and misery,and hunger increases in an astonishng way, in agriculture,the wheat harvest was the smallest in the past 50 yers. For all of this,we have,in the name of God,the Divine Formula to avoid that millions of men die. There are so many people injured by thirst,dryness,and hunger in the Planet. Please, belivie me,Iwant to show the world that,in the name of God,we still can save Humanity,so damaged byhunger,violence,greediness,and individualism. It will be the link among God,Man,and Science,Nature and Life in The World. We can give millions of people a better life by employment by Ecological Seal,and the garbage recycling. All rights of this project are registred in favor of Humanity.


Sincerelly yours,

JOSE PEDRO NAISSER. ADDRESS. RUA DES.JAMES PORTUGAL,233 82640-180 CURITIBA.PR. BRAZIL.SOUTH AMERICA. E-MAIL. farol 1@ lepus.celepar.br. Phone. 041.356.3945.


Dear Sirs,

More than ever we all expect with anxiety and expectations the beginning of the third milenium, and hope for a better world, in which, at the end of the 20 th century, we are going through the worst catastrhophes in History. I name some of them: The Bosnian War, The Chechenian War, The Loss Caused By The Aum Sect of The Guru Shoko Asahara, The Threatening Of The Echological Terrorist ôOnabomberö, The Devastating Bomb Attempt In The Oklahoma City - USA. The Kidnapping of People In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The Holy War Among The Fundamentalists In The Middle East, Taking the Human Being to a great irrationality, running away from their own emotions and Feelings for which man was put on this Planet By The Creator. We should not forget that with Globalazation Of Services and institutions, Man, Nature and Life will have to walk side by side if we want to have a better World in the 21 st Century. But to get there a great change in the Conscience of ManÆs Everyday Life in Relationship to Nature an his own Life will be necessary. The French Scientists are already Worried about the lack of Conscience in the Wasting of Water in France. In Africa, scientists forseee a drayght of 100 Yers, The Worst Catastrophe in History; The alert has been Given by Scientists Of The University of East Anglia, GB. In Brasil as well as in other developing countries, the City transh will become a threat, besides the lack of housing, helth and Education Wich already causes problems to all human beings. Although there are so many negative aspects, not every thing is lost. To help us, I Have Received From JESUS CHRIST and an ANGEL near the Tibagi River, in the trade Union of the Bank Clarks in Sertan≤polis Paranß Brazil, Four Divine Relvations, wich when put into practice can modify conscience and averyday Life of all Human Beings on This Planet; We can hope for a better World because, as I Was told, Changing the State os Conscience Towards Nature and Life, man will change his spirit: Wars will disap pear and manÆs Greediness will be reduced steadily. By himself man will become free from materialism and will treat his fellow men the same way the lord preached when he was on earth: ôLOVE YOUR FELLOWS AS YOU LOVE YOURSELYESö. But to make this possible I will have to make public in Brazil and in the Whole World, through Newspapers, Magazines, TV, Universities, Schools, Talks, Seminars the Four Divine Revelations, wich are the basis to Sustain man on this Planet. 1. Introduction of the subject Environment Education in The School Curriculum in School and Colleges. 2. Introduction of The Ecological Samp, with 70% Reduction of the City trash, were the Project Multipliers will be School Children in Brazil and throughout The World. 3. Control of The Water Waste in Brazil and all Over the World. 4. Revetalization of the Woods at the edge of all Rivers In Brazil and in the Whole World to give then back their own Life. Revetalization of the woods dividing rural properties, as only then will we have normal Germination of Agricultural Products, wich are today the Structural basis of all Population according to the annexed Project. I am ready to show with absolute exclusivity, through your well known means of communication - Free of charge - How The Divine Revelations can be put into Practice Immediately, any where on this Planet, Independant of Race, Colour, Belief or Buying Power, as only with The Divine Revelations are we able to eliminate the ongoing of Irrationalism, a Great menage to turn the 21 st Century into Religious Wars, leading man to the lack of control of The Universe. Putting the Divine Revelations into practice we will also be eliminating the Greatest Dread of mankind, I.E. Tornados, Earth Quakes, Floods, Fire, Thus Recuperating Love to our Fellowmen, Solidarity to Life, Rights of Citizenship, Helping All Inhabitants of this Planet to fulfill the Mission which the Creator of The Universe has assigned to them. To this mission we are also inviting UNESCO, ONU, UNICEF, GOVERNMENTS, LEADERS, SCIENTISTS, ENVIRONMENTALISTS, INTELECTUALS, ASTRONAUTS, COSMOLOGISTS, ORINION FORMERS AND ALL CHILDREN OF THE WORLD. When all this happens, we are on the Path of Change and Wisdon, Which will lead us to understanding, tolerance, solidarity to life, Love to Fellow Man, and most important of all, the Worldwide Campain for Nature and Life on This Planet. ôThat Understanding will bring people together, so that There is no Difference between giving and Receiving Loveö. ôNature and life also belong to those that are still to comeö. I am at your disposal to put into Practice The Divine Revelations and to debate them. And most important in our present World, I an Not Authorized to collect Money In The Name of GOD. I have no power to cure people from their illness. I am the bearer of the Mission To Redeem Life on this Planet in fvour of Billions Of People. All together we will be strong, integrated and we will have a Better World. SINCERELY JOS╔ PEDRO NAISSER RECEIVER OF THE FOUR DIVINE REVELATIONS OF THE CRIATOR. MY ADDRESS RUA DES. JAMES PORTUGAL, 233 82.640 - 180 - CURITIBA-PR BRAZIL - SOUTH AMERICA FONE (041) 356-3945 FAX (041) 223-9614


Dear Sirs,

God, in his infinite kindness and wisdom, favours us with moments of the highest affection, which a human being can receive and also place ones service at the disposal of Mankind. The subject above is absolutely first hand. As other newspapers in this world more often than not report the worst that happens all over the World like catastrophes, violence, environmental devastation, mainly as a result of manÆs own product, who is losing more and more conscience of the values for which he was put on this Earth and, evem more important, is destroying what is important for him and Future Generations: rivers, environment, nature and life itself. As the worldÆs tendency in the 21 st Century is towards informatics via Internet, we are placed between the already and the not yet, because the society of tomorow will be what we make of it today. Mankind, Nature, Environment should accompany the evolution of informaties and technology because very often they are confronted by Ignorance and Intolerance, and therefore it is necessary to practice what I shall call a right and even a duty of interference in the name of Nature and Life on Earth, couting on the solidarity of all the people on this Planet independant of belief, race, colour, richness, poverty, so that we can put into practice the Devine Inspirations which I will report on now. My report is as important as man arriving on The Moon, Dr. SabinÆs discovery of the Antipolio Vaccine, the end of the Cold War between USA and URSS, the Humor of Charles Chaplin, the Cheerfulness of Cantinflas, our MazaropiÆs sensibility, Hellen KellerÆs fight for Life to teach people that were like her, The Solidarity of Sister Dulce of Brasil, who now lives in another life, Sister Tereza Of CalcutßÆs Kindness, Albert EinsteinÆs theory, GhandiÆs non-violence, Luther KingÆs fight for the Civil Rights, Brigite BardotÆs protecion of animals, Elvis PresleyÆs rock, the simplicity of the footballer PelΘ and Garrincha, KennedyÆs charism, SolzenitskenÆs return to Russia, the peace between Israel and Palestina, Israel and Jordania, Jimmy CarterÆs fight for The Human Rights, John Paul IIÆs effort to unite the catholics, Chico XavierÆs of Brazil a balsam and words of friendship, in the songs of Beatles, and hundreds and thousands of people who always gave their best to help their fellow men. I shall now name the Divine Revelations, which I have received directty fron JESUS CHRIST together with an ANGEL, near the River Tibagi, in a village called Sertan≤polis, Northearn Paranß, a place near the Country Club of the Union of Bankcharks. It was touwards the end of the afternoon of a day on which we had been watching a man planting corn. To be able add another row to his own field, and thus increase his production, he drove his tractor through the water, which I Thought an example of greediness. So at the end of this afternoon, OCTOBERT 12 th 1994, I saw there a luge figure who indicated to me that I should approuach. I was frightened, but nevertheless got into a boat and wen there. Arriving I was astonished because there, very clearly to be seen, was an Angel all in white and beside him JESUS CHRIST, with white hair and bear. They asked me to kneel down, which I did. Utterly frightened I prayed the LordÆs Prayer and started listening to his orientations which came to me telepathically through the Angel. They were the words of the Creator passing me the Four Divine Revelations, and telling me they were only way to make the World survive the 21 st Century. I asked the Angel if there would be any problems with The Catholic Church, as many people are waiting for Our Lady FatimaÆs Revelation, which the Vatican keeps under lock and key to avoid panic all over The World, but the Angel told me that I had been chosen by the Lord to preach and divulge The Revelations everywhere in the World, independant by of colour, race, religion and buying power. And this mainly to move Heads of Government and Institutions whose amm is World Education, like UNESCO, ONU, UNICEF, and also Opinion Makers, like Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond, Brigite Bardot,Mr. Paul G. Allen, John Paul II, Sister Tereza in Calcutß, Paul Mc Cartnei, Elton John, Roberto Bßggio, Roberto Carlos in Brazil, Al Gore USA, Jaquez Cousteau, Michael Jackson, Steve Wonder, Prince Charles, Princess Diane, The Angel did not name everybody, he just mentioned a segment of people. The subject ôEnvironmental Educationö should be introduced in school curriculum all over Brazil and the World, where students would learn kow to Recycle City trash, Control Water Wastage, Revitalization Of Woods Bordering Rivers, like the Nile, the Sπo Francisco, Brazil, The Colorado, USA, as well as Revitalization of Woods dividing Rural properties, because this will be the only way to Protect the Planet against acid rainfalls, wich woul stop crops from germinating, causing millions and millions of people to stand. It is up to man to become conscious that there can be a better World by putting into practice these Divine Revelations. Most problematic in this World today is the city Trash. To solve this problem I was orientated to have an ôECOL╙GIC STAMPö, distributed in schools and the most important multiplicus of this Project will be the Children fron. O to 10 Yers of age who are not yet contaminated by the vice of destroying everything they see and find. By using the ECOLOGIC STAMPS, we would be able to recycle 70% of the city Trash that man produces and would also reduce the expenses with transportation and river polution, that has so often harmed mankind. This can be done in a big Cityes an example to all the World: this city could be Mexico City, there we could also control the wastage of water, chaging everyday life through The Colective Conscience, becoming a model do Brazil and the World. All this took one and a half hours. I asked the Angel and the Criator how the World would believe me; I could be called mar or a blasphemer, but the answer I received was that as soon as the Revelations were put into practice everebody would be able to see and feel that we can have a better World as long as we take care of Nature and Life on our Planet. I asked about cure of diseases like Aids and Cancer which nowadays kill the greatest number of people, and the Angel answered that JESUS will revealt to people at the right time how to cure these diseases once man has got free from a lot of material things greediness, lack of solidarity and love for our fellow men. The first step will be these my Divine Revelations which he will see put into practice. I also asked how man being adicted to vice will be able to put them into practice and was told that I will be the LordÆs messenger through talks at Universities, Churches, Associations, because the way I was told the Revelations was so simple that it will be easy to put them into practice throughout the World with little expense. I asked what my duty would be, as I have no money to carry it out. I was told that I will earn so much that 90% will be donated to charity for children organization I will be. Them I asked about the wars we have nowadays in the World and was told that these would go on for some more time because imagination and greediness are still related to power, but with the change in Collective Conscience through The Divine Revelations man kimself will perceive that Wars only destroy lives and in most of the cases the defenseless people and this is not the reason for which they were created. But these Wars will become less and less when mankind starts to dedicate themselves to Nature and Life. Concerning the divulgation to Brazil and the World I was told that people will not belivie me, that I can be confined or put to a lie-detector or even called a blasphemer. I received all these answers as a result of my mission about The Divine Revelations and together with the Governing powel and the opinion makers we are going to change peopleÆs conscience for a better world as full armies will be formed all over the World of people divulging the same message. Never, in any part of the world, will things have happned so quickly, because with SatΘlites, Press and TV and Internet, The World will forget wars and scenes of violence and people will live more. I also wanted to wnow about my life on earth, but the Angel and the Lord told me that we all have a mission to fulfill and he knows when this mission is fulfilled. To make the Divine Revelations knowen the best time would be on the ocasion of a great concentration of people from all parts of the World in a big city; conincidence or not, the moment is now during the Global F≤rum in The World Conference of Women in Peking, China. I received the task to send copies of this Project to people like: Chief od States, UNESCO, ONU, UNICEF, Opinion Makers. I have already sent out 120 letters, and the Divine Revelations will be put into practice by authorities who old the Power, who will certainly call in a Global F≤rum in London or in Paris to make it possibile to introduce this project, for Nature and life in the World also belong to those that will come. When everything was over I went back to the place where mey family was and started the project which today is practically ready, following GodÆs Will. If all this were charlatanism or sensationalism, all these words would be dificult to write down, but the objective is very strong because we are going to change everyday life on our Planet with these Divine Revelations. My mission is this. I have no power to cure nor collect money in the name of God. That comprehension will always bring people together until there is no difference between giving and receiving love. I am at your disposal, our mission is launched...



My Address

Rua Des. James Portugal, 233 82.640 - 180 - CURITIBA-PR BRAZIL - SOUTH AMERICA

FONE (041) 356-3945 FAX MY WORKING (041) 223-9614

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