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Register A Pavilion
travojul@peganet.com (Brian Saviste) sent the following
comment about http://park.org/About/Pavilions/:
URL: slip/ppp/unix/shell
Since this is a World exposition focusing on the Internet in
New York City, I would like to participate and observe. I'm not
to late? My company is Saviste and Sons Construction. I would
like to Market our newly completed Duplex condo on Ft.Myers Beach
I'm just more concened about recieving a spot in the exhibition.
What can I offer the internet in return and value. I can offer
myself and a unique background. I'm a Economic and Social analyst
specializing in Baltic Studies. I have seven years of University
work but can only claim to be a undergraduate. Baccalaurate of
Buisness with a concentration in Marketing with a Double minor
in Economics and Psychology. I'm currently working part time,
looking for a fulltime job in this region.
My father is at the heart of this expose and New York City.
He was the immigrant man in 1941,when he came from Germany
from a dispaced persons camp (via Estonia) His father and my
Grandfather was a high ranking official in the Estonian government
Nevertheless, I'm trying to make contact with different officials
through the internet. I do have relatives over there but snail
mail. I dont think so. I'm also trying to organize a system to
manage property 1400 miles away.
Tell me what I should expound on. Diversification and how I'm
using the internet. I had minimal insight five years ago,when
I graduated from college this was ever going to be this big.
I hope to hear from You. Brain Saviste
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