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Rosie Grier
joeg@onyx.xtalwind.net (Joe Grimaldi) sent the following
comment about http://town.hall.org/Archives/radio/IMS/Club/011794_club_ITH.html:
I a'm a white american and you are a black american and it is up to you to fullfil your obligation that YOU have dipicted to the world to do. I don't care what you told OJ Simpson or promised him if anything but I do know this Nickey and Ron is not here now and He was the person that the entire WORLD as looking at and YOU ROSIE did get involved wheather you are his voice or not it happened and YOU and OJ will be in the limelite for three weeks or three months people will want to know ?????????????????????????????????????????What happened that night and Mister Greer it is your turn to tell all the world what YOU know now. I feal that OJ mR. sIMPSON OR WHATEVER LEET EVERYBODY KNOW THE TRUTH , IT IS news AND WE ARE HERE TO LEARN ALL ABOUT IT , let go and tell us. The 5th was for Mark and not the USA.
Your Pal Joe G. The White HONKEY.
E>MAIL joeg@onyx.xtalwind.net
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