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Re: URGENT: Please STOP Mailbombs (fwd)
- To: Carl Malamud <carl@radio.com>
- Subject: Re: URGENT: Please STOP Mailbombs (fwd)
- From: "Randall W. Robinson" <rrobinso@quark.arc.nasa.gov>
- Date: Tue, 27 Dec 1994 16:13:02 -0800 (PST)
- In-Reply-To: <199412272323.SAA06266@trystero.radio.com>
On Tue, 27 Dec 1994, Carl Malamud wrote:
> We have an admission from him that he did it, plus a very contrite
> apology. I told him that if he donated 2 days to the 2nd Harvest Food
> Bank (one of the non-profit corporations that was supposed to benefit
> from this program) that I would be satisfied. You need to make your
> own determination of what to do, but we're happy if he goes ahead
> and donates 2 days of his time.
> Regards,
> Carl Malamud
Milo gave me the inside info on this, and I understand his intent. Since
I am not interested in investigating stupidity and, as long as you are
satisfied with the results (and donation of time), I will not follow up on
this matter with his management and let it drop (i.e., no blood, no head,
no platter).
Randall W. Robinson
Manager, Information Services
NASA Ames Research Center

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