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Re: URGENT: Please STOP Mailbombs (fwd)
Sigh ... you folks have been really quick to get into the
regulations ... could you *PLEASE TAKE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION
We don't care about your admin actions ... we just want
to get back to doing our work. Please indicate positive,
affirmative steps you have taken to cooperate with us
and stop the flow of traffic.
We have *many* legitimate users from the NASA community
that use our Patent database and other archives. Our only
recourse if you folks are not helping is to filter out
all NASA traffic. We really don't want to do that since
our internal policies are that if we put a block on a site,
it stays in place for 90 days.
Carl Malamud
Internet Multicasting Service
According to Randall W. Robinson:
> On Tue, 27 Dec 1994, Carl Malamud wrote:
> > He sent 4500 messages from a government account which
> > he used for personal purposes. May I suggest you investigate
> > your user and not us?
> >
> > for According to Randall W. Robinson:
> In fact, we are going to investigate this user, however, using a
> government resource for personal purposed is not specifically illegal.
> And, as part of any investigation, we must also interview the witnesses
> and victoms.
> The regs. (FiPS Pub) state that any Automated Data Processing (ADP)
> resource held by the US Government is for offical use. Determination of
> offical use and/or acceptable use has been delegated to each agency. NASA
> has delegated ADP management to each center. This center's management
> instruction states that acceptable use includes certain personal
> activities, such as: In formal communications with co-workers, to harvest
> or maintain working relations; Communications with family member;
> Communications with outside professionals, for coordinating personal
> activities, such as, scheduling an appointment; etc. And, it specfically
> prohibits activities that interfere with normal work and any "for profit"
> activities.
> Since Mr. Tran's actions do not fall into the later catagory, his actions
> are not illegal under any acceptable use policy.
> But, harassment, in any form, is not acceptable, and I believe the
> messages sent by his address are harassment, and posibly actionable.
> In order to build a case of this type, you must first determine legal
> standing. This is why I needed to understand your definition of illegal.
> Also, I noted no information about the content of the messages sent. If
> it had contained any harassing statements, it could be of help.
> Also, I was hoping that you could determine if this is an actual
> mailbombing, or just a simple run-away mailer.
> Sincerely,
> Randall W. Robinson
> Manager, Information Services
> NASA Ames Research Center

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