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Re: Please stop the mailbombs from your user ...
- To: Carl Malamud <carl@radio.com>
- Subject: Re: Please stop the mailbombs from your user ...
- From: Kevin Casey <kbcasey@gallux.gallaudet.edu>
- Date: Mon, 19 Dec 1994 13:45:17 -0500 (EST)
- In-Reply-To: <199412181658.LAA28814@trystero.radio.com>
Thank you for letting us know of this problem. We have issued the necessary
disciplinary warnings. Our apologies for the trouble.
Kevin Casey, Director
Computer Services
Gallaudet University
800 Florida Ave, NE (202)651-5300
Washington, DC 20002-3695 (202)651-5477 FAX
On Sun, 18 Dec 1994, Carl Malamud wrote:
> Your user 11dbraun@gallua.gallaudet.edu has sent *many* messages
> to santa@north.pole.org. Mail bombs, no matter how well intentioned,
> are wrong. Please work with your user to show him/her that these
> actions are hurting many, many people.
> Carl Malamud
> Internet Multicasting Service

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