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Re: Re[2]: Attn: Elfmaster
On Sun, 11 Dec 1994, Carl Malamud wrote:
> Miriam -
> I've taken the story off the web until we can resolve what is
> happening ... I don't want to publish without permission and
> don't feel comfortable having something up and not knowing how
> much it costs. I will do an analyses of how many people looked
> at the story (though I can't tell you how many people made copies
> for others).
> By the way, we're a very small, very under-funded non-profit
> corporation and would certainly appreciate any tolerance you
> folks might have for an honest mistake. We're very careful on
> copyright and one of our producers thought this one was safely
> out of copyright.
> Carl Malamud
> > Dear Carl,
> >
> > Please contact Carol Christiansen at:
> > Doubleday, a Devision of Bantam Doubleday Del
> > 1540 Broadway
> > New York, NY, 10036
> >
> > Doubleday currently owns the copyright for "Gates and Doors." Carol will
> > work out a contract with you for the use of this poem. It's so nice to
> > know that a poem of my grandfather's other than "Trees" is getting some
> > exposure. Thanks so much for your cooperation.
> >
> > Miriam A. Kilmer
I don't expect any trouble for you re your honest mistake. Please contact
Doubleday anyhow. If possible, please let your users know that "Gates and
Doors" is still under copyright, to minimize re-copying of the poem.
Miriam A. Kilmer

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