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Re: Re[2]: Attn: Elfmaster
On Thu, 8 Dec 1994, Melissa Hunter-Kilmer wrote:
> Miriam --
> Can you take care of this? I thought since you're over there a lot and
> you're an actual child, not just an in-law, you'd be the logical one to do
> this. Also you're the one who told me that some of your grandfather's
> stuff is still copyrighted. Please let me know either way. In the
> meantime, _Gates and Doors_ is still on the Web.
> Thanks.
> Melissa
> mhunterk@bna.com
> >Hi -
> >We were pretty sure this stuff was out of copyright. If not,
> >could you please let me know and I will immediately take it
> >off and would be happy to pay royalties as appropriate.
> >Sorry about that!
> >Carl Malamud
> > carl@radio.com
> >> mhunterk@bna.com (Melissa Hunter-Kilmer) sent the following
> >> comment about the Internet Multicasting Service WWW server:
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------
> >> One problem -- I was very excited to notice a poem by Joyce Kilmer
> >> (Gates and Doors) in the Christmas in Our Village section. Mr. Kilmer
> >> is my grandfather-in-law. He is dead, but his children still receive
> >> royalties on his work. Has anybody formally gotten permission to
> >> reproduce this poem, and has a royalty been paid? You'll probably hear
> >> from other people about other works. -- Merry Christmas!
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Carl,
Please contact Carol Christiansen at:
Doubleday, a Devision of Bantam Doubleday Del
1540 Broadway
New York, NY, 10036
Doubleday currently owns the copyright for "Gates and Doors." Carol will
work out a contract with you for the use of this poem. It's so nice to
know that a poem of my grandfather's other than "Trees" is getting some
exposure. Thanks so much for your cooperation.
Miriam A. Kilmer
mkilmer@cap.gwu.edu (until Dec.11)
mkilmer@capaccess.org (after Dec.15)

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