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Re: ready to roll!
Her phone number is enclosed. However, she's all set to send the money and
feels like she's been having a really hard time getting through to you so
it might be better to just go ahead and fax out an invoice for $15,000.
Then send her a nice email and we'll be rock'n'rolling. Feel free to call
me at 415-322-1134.
At 12:36 AM 12/2/94 -0500, Carl Malamud wrote:
>Hmmm ... have her send me a real phone number ... I'll call
>her tomorrow. BTW, we're geting ready for the Internet
>Engineering Task Force meeting on Monday, so I apologize
>for the terse responses ... Carl
>>PLEASE fax her something at 1-408-764-1899.
>> You can also talk to her at 408-764-1877 or email her at
>> <lani_luthard@engtwomac.SynOptics.COM>
>> You'll be holding a check in a week.
>> Are you just putting in a link to us? That'd be the easiest for us
>> although we could also mirror. Let me know. I'll be the interface at
>> Plugged In from now on (Muki's mainly program issues - I do fundraising).
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