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Re: CyberPhilanthropy
- To: Carl Malamud <carl@radio.com>
- Subject: Re: CyberPhilanthropy
- From: "Harry J. Saal" <HSaal@svi.org>
- Date: Wed, 26 Oct 94 11:47:37 PDT
>Harry -
>If you thought this was so harmless, you wouldn't have put
>so many caveats.
My recollection of the caveats was related to the fact I was
posting/mailing my messages to newsgroups that were not "philanthopy"
related, and I am sensitive to people's attitudes of receiving what they
classify as "junk mail". I don't want to be tarred with that brush. In
the name of philanthropy I will take whatever people sling my way in any
case. The cause is right.
The URL you published was to the actual
>working code. The URL everybody else had was to the
>actual launch point. The reason we left full IP connectivity
>is that way I could send a few notes out to people and not
>have to screw around with access lists. We've been carefully
>targetting potential corporate donors and were trying really,
>really hard not to get the information out to the end
>user lists because we're not yet geared up for the thousands
>of "how do I ..." messages that come with it.
>Anyway, no biggie ... we did some rearranging and have set
>it up in close to production mode. Please check with me
>next time you act on a mail message from me?
I'll try and be as sensitive as possible to the possibility that it is
"restricted" information, Carl. Again, I'm sorry for any pain I've
caused you and your colleagues.
>I'm coming out to the bay area in a couple of weeks and
>was hoping to talk to you about another project which is
>*really* not public yet. :) It's for a 1996 Internet World's
>Fair. Can I send you a draft of a proposal on the topic?
Sound's neat. I'd be happy to read it and discuss it with you on-line or
F2F when you are in town here.
>We have already signed up MCI, Sun, and ZD Expos, and are
>working on the administration. Smart Valley would be an
>ideal participant for a Bay Area Pavillion. The basic
>concept is a T3 backbone around the world connecting
>pavillions. A "public park for the global village" is
>the overall theme.
Do you want international participation? I could facilitate high level
intros to potential Japanese partners, specifically.
Tuesday, Nov. 8th is Election Day. Make sure to exercise your
ability to help create the future you want. YOUR VOTE MATTERS.

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