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Re: CyberPhilanthropy
Nova, meet Carl. Carl, meet Nova. Nova is a key player in putting
a fund raising drive in the style of the Relief Concerts on the Net
(see the URL below) and is working with his colleagues on making
an on-going rationalized process/business to do so. Carl does all
kinds of wild and wonderful projects, among them Internet Talk Radio,
Remote Printing and now the Santa Claus Project. And oh, Bo knows
baseball, Carl knows protocols (!!).
Guys, I just received a very tentative business plan for yet another
new non-profit supportive program that intends to be Net focussed.
I'll share it with you if the team will OK it.
Meanwhile, you two please go off and chat in the corner over there. Have fun!
>Harry, thanks for the note about CyberPhilanthropy. Could you put
>ReliefNet in touch with them please? I think we should look into whether
>we can collaborate.
>---> Nova
>Nova Spivack : * EarthWeb, Ltd.: ReliefNet, ReliefRock
>--> nova@max.tiac.net : http://www.earthweb.com:2800/
> :
> : * Individual, Inc.: Editorial Dept., Reviewer
> : of Multimedia & Interactive News
>tel: (617) 625-6440 :
>fax: (617) 625-8212 : * The Networking Institute: TeamNet design
>Somerville, MA, USA :

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