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Mosaic holiday activity
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All, Here's an update on the "northpole.com" project.

It turns out that this idea has been done in a different way the previous year by Carl Malamud of radio.com. Through Katherine Webster, I talked to Carl, and found that he is very open to hosting "north.pole.org" for us. His sponsorship provides us with several advantages. He already owns the name; he provides us with a non-profit entity that can administer any charitable funds in a neutral site, and he runs entirely on Sun so that Sun would still get the publicity benefit as an Internet leader. I'd like us to move forward with Carl's site as the basis for our efforts. What we still need to do is get the final funding, and approval to commit those funds in this manner. With those approvals in place, we will need to start recruiting additional firms. Carl will be able to help us get additional firms once we have a core group established. At that point, hopefully by Interop (9/12) we would be able to make an initial home page mockup. For this we'll need some production volunteers. I'll be contacting the responsible parties individually to make sure that all buy-in is in place.

Thanks, Phil

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>From eat@joes Fri Aug 12 13:34 PDT 1994 Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 13:30:22 +0800 From: eat@joes (Lance Lawson - SMCC Product Marketing Operations) To: jamie.enns@Eng Subject: Mosaic holiday activity Cc: phil.parkman@Corp


Phil mentioned that you might be able to provide some funding for us to do a holiday activity. Here is an outline of the proposal.

Concept: Following a concept like a walkathon, create a Web site which will reimburse certain pre-approved charities based on the number of people who access the home page. (northpole.com).

Goal: To continue to promote the image of Sun as a leader and innovator on the Internet by having yet another attention-getting attraction on our home page. We would work with PR and Community Affairs to get the maximum PR benefit from this, expecting to get some printed and electonic coverage. Depending on how well it executes, it is conceivable that we could get national TV coverage from the likes of CNN.

Details: Using your $25k contribution as seed money and using our own funding to develop the home page, we would create a place to attract Internet users where they could: 1. Find holiday attractions such as Santa Claus animation or fill out a form so that Santa will e-mail their child a letter. (Phil and I have funding for this.) We want to attract children and parents.

2. Select a charity that they want to give money to. For each access, we would give a certain amount, say 1รณ, up to a total of $25,000. We would with Community Affairs to get other businesses to join us in the effort so that, around Christmas, would could present a very large donation. We would expect coverage saying something like "Sun uses information superhighway to help homeless children."

Although we would work on this as a group activity with other companies, we will present this to them as a complain program and make sure that coverage showed Sun as the leader in the project.

Lance Lawson SMCC Product Marketing Operations

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