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Is Santa on the net?
Someone posted this in a UK newsgroups, and I thought
as you or someone you know may either know or be able
to find someone to setup such a service, I thought I'd
pass this on...
Sounds like a nice service and could probably be done by
some automatic process, randomly replying with a selection
of paragraphs, so each answer will be different.
My children would love to email him too (and get a reply)!
> From: rob@liciren.li.co.uk (Rob Clive)
> Newsgroups: uk.misc
> Subject: Christmas: Is Santa on the net?
> Date: 6 Oct 93 12:47:41 GMT
> Distribution: uk
> Organization: Lucas Powertrain Systems, Cirencester, UK
> Lines: 19
> I tried posting this as a followup a couple of weeks ago but saw no
> replies. In any case our computer / UUCP link has been misbehaving
> recently. So I'll try again...
> Does anyone have an email address for Father Christmas?
> Last year someone suggested 'santa@acorn.co.uk' so my two daughters duly
> composed a message along the usual lines and off it went. The result?
> Nothing, nil, zilch (apologies for the Americanism). This, of course,
> led to intensive questions and embarrassment at home: but *why* didn't
> he reply?
> So, can anyone help? I thought I'd 'post early for Christmas' this time.
> ----------
> Rob Clive. Most nets: rob@liciren.li.co.uk
> Lucas POWERTRAIN Systems, Cirencester UUCP: ...!uknet!lucifer!rob
> Gloucestershire, GL7 1QG, UK.
> "It was at that moment that Maurice knew he was different from other lemmings."
> -- Paper House

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