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mirian@mbox.vol.it (Miriano Ravazzolo) sent the following
comment about http://town.hall.org/cgi-bin/srch-patent95?lsr:
Dear Sirs,
I've discovered your service just few days ago. I'm managing a division in a chemical company, and we were just going to start the registration of some our processes in the USA. The accurate reading of the already registered patents has avoided us al least three voids, and thus a lot of efforts and money.
We really believe that this service should be carried along, because it's nearly invaluable.
And the fact that we are foreigners makes it even more and more important, because otherwise the same informations are at least very expansive.
I don't know if you can or would change your mind, but I'm shoure I'll appreciate it.
Anyway, it was a perfect idea.
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