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Re: not-rr@park.org
thank you for information and working on the railroad.
here is updates on korea;
working on T3 extention from us-japan to korea now, and will let you
know more when we know the concrete schedule. we are also considering
additional minor link for backup.
the domestic T3 backbone(s) will be up early next year.
planning a few asian extension later.
PS: please add ikoh@nic.nca.or.kr to the list, Ik Kyun OH is at the korean
> Welcome to the Internet Railroad, a working group of the Network
> Operating Team (NOT). Members of this list are enumerated below.
> I've included Jack Waters and John Stewart from MCI, though they
> may want to take themselves off the list after initial details
> are worked out.
> We currently have the following components of the railroad:
> DS3 from Tokyo to Rialto (LA), KDD & MCI, up 2/1/96
> DS3 from Rialto to MAE-East, MCI, up 2/1/96
> Japan T3 backbone, NTT, up ?
> Washington Metropolitan Network, MFS, partially up now
> Robin Littlefield and Marten Tepstra will be installing and managing
> the core routers for the railroad, including routers in Tokyo,
> WTN (MCI's Washington POP), National Press Building, and (hopefully)
> inside of MAE-East in the MFS POP.
> Jun: you need to make arrangements with Robin and Marten on installation
> of your machine. Jack and John can tell Robin and Marten when they can
> do their install at WTN. I will work with Robin and Marten on the installs
> at MAE-East and National Press. Finally, we have a spare BCN already in
> Amsterdam ... can Rob Blokzijl install this box in our fair rack at NIKHEF?
> Based on prior discussions, I believe it makes sense to make the D.C. -
> Tokyo link a single autonomous system. We also have some considerable work
> ahead of us to establish peering agreements at MAE-East and to determine
> our AUP.
> Our opening date for the railroad is February 1. In the spirit of cautious
> optimism, I've scheduled a fair grand opening for February 8. But, now
> that we have a mailing list, we'll certainly get all the work done in
> time. ;-)
> Regards,
> Carl
> Current members of the list:
> Chris Swanson <cds@ssds.com>
> Carl Malamud <carl@radio.com>
> Brad Burdick <bburdick@radio.com>
> Robin Littlefield <rlittlef@BayNetworks.com>
> Jun Murai <jun@wide.ad.jp>
> Marten Tepstra <marten@BayNetworks.com>
> Osamu Nakamura <osamu@sfc.wide.ad.jp>
> Jack Waters <waters@mci.net>
> "John W. Stewart III" <jstewart@mci.net>
> Kilnam Chon <chon@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr>
> k13@nikhef.nl (Rob Blokzijl)

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