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Re: problems with mirroring
I have removed all the files '%*' in /Germany/Hannover/Herrenhausen.
Hope this helps.
Stephan Olbrich email: olbrich@rrzn.uni-hannover.de
Regionales Rechenzentrum fuer __ __ ___
Niedersachsen (RRZN) | ) | ) / |\ | / | | |\ | |
Universitaet Hannover |< |< / | \ | / | | | \ | |
Schlosswender Str. 5 | \ | \ /__ | \| / \_/ | \| |
D-30159 Hannover voice: 0511 762-3078 (fax: -3003)
Herman van Domspeler wrote:
> We experience some problems mirroring from amsterdam to town.
> Some of the new or changed files are transferred , but others are not.
> We have the idea that the mirroring fails ( and ftpd is kicked out )
> when trying to mirror files starting with a "%". We are not sure if this
> is possible, so if someone can helps us out?
> We have seen some of these files in the /Germany area, for example:
> /Germany/Hannover/Herrenhausen/images/%Park_gesamt+.gif
> It may help if the people responsible for the /Germany area, remove these
> files. They are probably not used anyway.
> thanks,
> Herman van Domspeler.
> Internet 1996 WorldExposition
> Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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