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Re: good news, maybe better news
- To: lmjm@doc.ic.ac.uk (Lee McLoughlin)
- Subject: Re: good news, maybe better news
- From: "Brad Burdick [UUcom]" <bburdick>
- Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 13:51:56 -0400 (EDT)
- Cc: carl (Carl Malamud [IMS])
- In-Reply-To: <31EFC261.63DECDAD@doc.ic.ac.uk> from "Lee McLoughlin" at Jul 19, 96 06:14:09 pm
> They are coming in Tuesday so see if it works on SunSITE ok, their
> controllers are already known to work under Solaris.
> So it all looks promising. The controller can only handle 7 drives,
> in the setup I plan to use one will be parity so that leaves 6 x 4 Gig.
that's more than enough for the park archives. do we get all of it or
do we still have to share? :)
Brad Burdick bburdick@media.org
Internet Multicasting Service, NPB, Suite 1155, Washington, DC 20045
Under contract from UUcom, Inc.

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