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Re: working on redirecting requests to *local* server
- To: shinoda@jaist.ac.jp (Yoichi Shinoda)
- Subject: Re: working on redirecting requests to *local* server
- From: "Brad Burdick [UUcom]" <bburdick@radio.com>
- Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 18:06:02 -0500 (EST)
- Cc: not-park@park.org
- In-Reply-To: <199601192100.GAA14541@melon.jaist.ac.jp> from "Yoichi Shinoda" at Jan 20, 96 06:00:49 am
> 2. Imagemaps
> Using the server built-in imagemap capability sounds fine, but there
> are problems.
> (a) We already have prenty of imagemaps that use the cgi-bin interface.
> Instructing content creators to make neccessary changes, making
> sure that contents are all modified to fit our new starndard,
> mirroring them (in the way we are doing it) is not a trivial job
> to do, especially before Feb.1.
changing the html should only involve deleting the /cgi-bin/imagemap portion
of the urls. if they are using the *old* version of imagemap support with
the config file, there will be more work involved since we would need to add
the .map extension at the least.
> (b) Modifying imagemap interface itself is not a matter of simple
> text search and replace, because not everybody is using the "map"
> as image map extensions. I've seen "mpe" (yes!, mpe) for "map for
> english" and "mpj" for "map for japanese". I've told the guy who
> did this to use standard extension few week ago, but they are not
> corrected. There might be his side of problem such as 8 chars for
> filenames and no room for "_e" or "_j".
you mean the imagemap binary is spelled differently for english and japanese
versions or he uses a different map extension on his file names? i hope the
latter. ;)
> I strongly suggest that we make the imperial server to work with
> cgi-bin based imagemap for now, even using the per-historic
> imagemap.conf. We can think about changing standards that everybody
> is following later on.
this is our short-term solution. i think the current problem was simply that
we are using a virtual host on the imperial server, but our cgi-bin points to
their default cgi-bin rather than our park.org cgi-bin. hopefully this will
be corrected soon.
thanks for the input. it's good to see this list in use.
Brad Burdick bburdick@radio.com
Internet Multicasting Service, NPB, Suite 1155, Washington, DC 20045
Under contract from UUcom, Inc.

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