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Re: Seoul server is comming up
- To: not-park@park.org
- Subject: Re: Seoul server is comming up
- From: Woohyong Choi <whchoi@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr>
- Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 23:17:56 -0900 (GMT)
- In-Reply-To: <199512280434.TAA24096@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr> from "Woohyong Choi" at Dec 27, 95 07:34:15 pm
wuftpd(with s/key) and httpd is ready and I need to setup mirror.
any instructions?
if anybody needs an account in seoul.park.org, please let me know
your phone number so that we can exchange pass phrase. donkey as
introduced by Yoichi is preferred though.
p.s. carl, could you please add a dns record for seoul?
> Good day!
> Seoul.Park.Org is mostly comming up. I'm continuting to
> work on software installations.
> The server is
> Hardware: Sparc 1000E with 256MB memory
> Disk: 10 x 1GB
> Domain: seoul.park.org []
> I have made an account expo96 with the pass phrase given
> in the Dallas meeting. (s/key, keysu, keylogin is ready)
> wuftpd(w/skey) and httpd is comming up today.
> -whchoi

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