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Re: Park server assistance
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Cool. I'm off flying my glider tomorrow (Friday) - short sanity break - I'll be back in communication on the weekend. I will ask my folks here to set up an ftp account into my server that provides access to the page area for the park tree, just ftp stuff in and call the starting file "index.html" and www.adelaide.park.org should work as an http reference immediately.

[Adrian, by cc of this mail, can you please set up an ftp account for access into the park subdirectory of the web stuff and email the ftp account details to the people in the headers of this mail? Cheers!]


At 08:33 AM 21/12/95 -0500, Carl Malamud [IMS] wrote:
>We'll make sure it is less than 3. :)
>According to Simon Hackett:
>> At 09:34 AM 20/12/95 -0500, Carl Malamud [IMS] wrote:
>> >Simon -
>> >
>> >When you're ready, we can push in not only the home page but all
>> >the other pages for the fair ....
>> >
>> What sort of size are you talking right now? (I have a row of shiny new
>> quantum drives on a desk here, I've just swallowed the dual firehoses of the
>> sales tax and t╘ cost of buying drive/powersupply/cable sets for them, but
>> the latter hasn't arrived yet (Christmas silly season is in the way). That
>> means right now my web server has its intrinsic storage only (4gb in "/web",
>> 3gb free). Are you planning on throwing more than 3gb at me in the next week?
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>> ---
>> Simon Hackett, Technical Director, Internode Systems Pty Ltd
>> 31 York St [PO Box 284, Rundle Mall], Adelaide, SA 5000 Australia
>> Email: simon@internode.com.au Web: http://www.internode.com.au
>> Phone: +61-8-223-2999 Fax: +61-8-223-1777
Simon Hackett, Technical Director, Internode Systems Pty Ltd 31 York St [PO Box 284, Rundle Mall], Adelaide, SA 5000 Australia Email: simon@internode.com.au Web: http://www.internode.com.au Phone: +61-8-223-2999 Fax: +61-8-223-1777

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