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trashing the French, please act ASAP
This is a ticklish situation. A bit of an ethical dilemma.
You, personally, and Town.Hall.Org (aka IMS), corporately,
have all freedom-of-speech rights to publish whatever message
you wish. No contest.
But, in hosting the French Embassy's Home Page (or equivalent)
you acted in a semi-official capacity, almost a trust, but at
least as a host. Dumping on your former guest the way you do
is a bit uncivil, though you have every [Constitutional] right
to do so. It takes unfair advantage of your former guest--a
cheap shot. You might assert that France takes unfair
advantage of their trust (colonial?) territories--another
cheap shot (pun intended)? But, two wrongs do not make a
If you were to simply replace your message with one that says
something like "The French Embassy in Washington is no longer
at this address [the new URL is:...]" it would, I suggest, be
a lot cleaner.
Remember that France is a member of G7. This is not intended
as a threat. Really. But, if France were to get upset about
this at the official level it could come back to haunt us in
the (increasingly promising) pas de deux of IMS/World's Fair
and G7-GIS-GIBN.
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 15:05:25 +0100
>To: mmetalmug@nsf.gov
>From: Bruno.Oudet@imag.fr (Bruno Oudet)
>Subject: C'est malin !
>Hello NameRemoved,
>May be you can give me an advice for Carl.
>A lot of places provide Carl's address as the french embassy home page.
>Carl is using this fact to promote his personal reaction
>on the nuclear testing. ...
>...we have in France the democratically elected president
>who decided to do a round of test. I do not think that it is
>fair form Carl's part to use his previous relation with the embassy
>to promote his protest.
>I really do not know what to do. Can you give me an advice.
>May be the best is to do nothing?
>Amities a toi et Isabelle. Bruno
>>Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 20:10:36 +0200
>>From: Bruno Mannoni <mannoni@culture.fr>
>>Mime-Version: 1.0
>>To: Bruno.Oudet@imag.fr
>>Subject: C'est malin !
>>T'as vu ce qu'ils ont fait tes copains de town.hall.org :
>> This service is temporarily unavailable. The on-line French Embassy
>> was designed as a demonstration project by the non-profit Internet
>> Multicasting Service. We did this project as a public service at no
>> cost to the Embassy.
>> We have decided to discontinue this service during the period of
>> nuclear testing. Nuclear non-proliferation is an idea whose time has
>> come, and for a world leader like France to violate the testing makes
>> it more likely that other countries will feel it necessary to
>> institute their own testing programs. It is unfortunate that France is
>> unable to maintain a position of moral leadership on this important
>> issue.
>> _________________________________________________________________
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