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freedom of information
- Subject: freedom of information
- From: uid no body <nobody@town.hall.org>
- Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 21:29:42 -0400
- Apparently-To: webmaster@town.hall.org
- Reply-to: hamilton.54@osu.edu (philip r hamilton)
hamilton.54@osu.edu (philip r hamilton) sent the following
comment about http://town.hall.org/travel/france/easternp.html:
Please don't be so petty as to let your political opinions dictate the degree of service available to those seeking information as this wil undoubtably encourage others to restrict access to informartion on the basis of political affiliation. Freedom of information is an idea who's time has come and it is a shame an inportant link on the internet continues to fly in the face of this truth but instead practises a brand of political hypocrasy.
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