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France -- Nuclear Protest Addresses?
- Subject: France -- Nuclear Protest Addresses?
- From: uid no body <nobody@town.hall.org>
- Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 14:25:06 -0400
- Apparently-To: webmaster@town.hall.org
- Reply-to: doc@ced.berkeley.edu (David Van Arnam)
doc@ced.berkeley.edu (David Van Arnam) sent the following
comment about http://town.hall.org/travel/france/easternp.html:
I was pleased to see your clear rebuke to France by shutting down your Eastern France trip-planning page. However, I strongly suggest that you include -- on all your "France" pages you have temporarily discontinued -- that you include one or more applicable e-mail addresses for the rest of us to use to register our extreme disgust with France and the current government for this despicable act of resuming nuclear tests. (In fact, I found your pages by using Netscape's NetSearch function, in hopes of finding such addresses. I shall continue my search, but I reiterate: please include such information in your pages as soon as you possibly can! Thanks!
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