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Protest - French Nuclear Testing
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  • Subject: Protest - French Nuclear Testing
  • From: uid no body <nobody@town.hall.org>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Sep 1995 17:35:02 -0400
  • Apparently-To: webmaster@town.hall.org
  • Reply-to: pgagne@megatoon.com (J.Pierre GagnΘ)
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pgagne@megatoon.com (J.Pierre GagnΘ) sent the following comment about http://town.hall.org/travel/france/rfi.html:
I just thought I'd take a moment to tell you that I fully support your position vis-α-vis French nuclear testing.

Perhaps your action will not, by itself, convince the French government to halt testing, but you are protesting in whatever way you can, and I commend you for this.

My wife has, in a similar vein, stopped buying French cosmetics. Again, this will not, by itself, stop the French government in its track, but if millions were to do this, it might cause them to rethink their posiiton.

J.Pierre GagnΘ, Cap-Rouge (QuΘbec)

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