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Re: The Spanish Pabillion
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Hi Carl,

Last friday we finished the 1.0 release of the Spanish Pavillion┤s Home Page. It┤s available at the same address (http://www.wsite.es/intexpo). You can visit it and tell us what you think about it. This version has an active link, as you pointed in a past e-mail, to http://park.org/Main.html.

So, from now on, we┤ll be maintaing this site as the Official Spanish Pavillion, adding new sites and deleting old or bad ones, as Mr Saldana and/or you will tell us to do.

In that way, if you think that all is OK, you can link the Spanish Pavillion to this site whenever you want.


Enrique San Juan Website Tel. (34 3) 301 18 47 Fax. (34 3) 301 26 20 http://www.wsite.es

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