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Re: Internet World's Fair
- To: dihughes@canarie.ca (Doug Hughes)
- Subject: Re: Internet World's Fair
- From: Carl Malamud <carl>
- Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 12:18:46 -0400 (EDT)
- Cc: tkalil@ARPA.MIL, fairmaster@radio.com
- In-Reply-To: <9505251603.AA09721@tweetie.canarie.ca> from "Doug Hughes" at May 25, 95 12:02:59 pm
- Organization: Internet Multicasting Service
Hi Doug -
I agree that there is a lot of synergy between the two projects!
The fair has been really shaping up. We have ministerial level
support in the U.S., Japan, Singapore, Netherlands, Thailand,
and Switzerland, with more countries signing up. Corporate support
to date includes 1 terrabyte of disk from Quantum, studio space from
NBC television, and lots of computers, routers, and the like. Most
important, the fair events are coming from real world-class institutions
including Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center, Tokyo Aquarium, WOMAD
Festival, and others.
I think that by working together, we both have a better chance of
achieving our goals. The fair brings in some countries (e.g.,
Singapore) that might not participate otherwise, and I believe the
combined strength of the G-7 agreement and the fair might get us
more bandwidth than we might otherwise see.
Our current goal with the Railroad is to put run T3-speed connect
from MAE-East in Washington, D.C. to NASA-Ames (MAE-West) to
Tokyo to Singapore to France/Amsterdam/England/Stockholm and
then back to the U.S. An even more robust architecture would
use Stockholm/Canada/US to fill out the transatlantic bandwidth.
We'd like to see the bandwidth up for all of 1996, but beggars
can't be choosy. ;-)
Can we talk about ways we can coordinate the two projects? We've
got some real technical hotshots, plus lots of routers, and other
equipment that could let us put a nice robust architecture together
for the year.
Phone: 202 544 0882
According to Doug Hughes:
> Tom,
> Thanks for the email re "The Internet World Exposition" as the concept
> is most interesting. Carl can get hold of me at his convenience. I
> checked out the web site for some background. There are several
> interesting opportunities including, as you suggested, high speed
> network interworking. The proposal in "The Internet Railroad"
> compliments our G7 Information Society initiatives, particularly as they
> relate to the GIBN theme. CANARIE is striving to put in place
> arrangements to connect our high speed National Test Network (NTN) to
> the US through a 45 or 155 Mbps link. Greatest flexibility for the
> interworking of high speed networks could be achieved by connecting to a
> US network Access Points (NAP's) such as the one provided by Ameritech
> in Chicago. To date I don't think there has been a non-US network
> connected to a NAP so there may be some "institutional" issues requiring
> resolution. Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.
> We could take the pragmatic approach and move your theme "The NII - just do
> it!" up to the global level : "The GII - just do it!"
> Establishing permanent connection as I suggested above would facilitate
> numerous opportunities for ongoing collaboration. One that immediately
> comes to mind it where the University of Calgary proposal for "On-Line
> Visualization on ATM Networks" has been accepted by the
> SuperComputing'95 (SC'95) conference to be held in San Diego in early
> December. This will be a live demo requiring connection from Calgary
> through our NTN to vBNS and on to San Diego.
> I appreciate your passing the "World's Fair" info to me and I'll keep
> you posted on our progress.
> Best regards,
> Doug
> >Dear Doug:
> >
> >An int'l project that the Administration is supporting is a "World's Fair"
> >in cyberspace.
> >
> >Carl Malamud, who is pulling this together, has support from an impressive
> >array of companies, non-profit institutions, world leaders, and governments.
> >For example, one company has donated a terabyte of disk space! The President
> >and Vice President have both written letters of support, and the President
> >is considering participating in an "Internet Town Hall."
> >
> >You can learn more about the proposal at http://town.hall.org/fair. We think
> >it would be a good application for the global broadband network we are
> >working together to build.
> >
> >Is this something that CANARIE and others within Canada might be
> >interested in getting involved in? If so, who should Carl talk to?
> >
> >Thanks!
> >
> >
> >****************************************************************************
> >Thomas Kalil "The NII - just do it!"
> >tkalil@arpa.mil
> >National Economic Council
> >The White House
> >Washington DC 20500
> >(p) 202-456-2802
> >(f) 202-456-2223
> >
> >"Your taxpayer dollars at work."
> >****************************************************************************
> >
> >
> >
> >
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> Douglas I. Hughes, Phone: +1-613-660-3246
> Director of International Planning, Fax: +1-613-660-3806
> CANARIE Inc., email: DIHughes@canarie.ca
> 410 Laurier Avenue West, (Suite 400),
> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K0A 2W0
> ___________________________________________________________________
> The Canadian Network for the Advancement of
> Research, Industry and Education
> http://www.canarie.ca gopher://gopher.canarie.ca
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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