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Re: Museums Online at the Expo?
- To: mtd120@psu.edu (M. Travis DiNicola)
- Subject: Re: Museums Online at the Expo?
- From: Carl Malamud <carl@radio.com>
- Date: Tue, 13 Jun 1995 08:08:02 -0400 (EDT)
- Cc: fairmaster@town.hall.org
- In-Reply-To: <199506122039.QAA29951@genesis.ait.psu.edu> from "M. Travis DiNicola" at Jun 12, 95 04:43:33 pm
- Organization: Internet Multicasting Service
Sounds like a great idea for a pavilion! You feel like tackling
BTW, great web site, but how about loosing the blinkies? ;-)
According to M. Travis DiNicola:
> Hello,
> My name is M. Travis DiNicola and I9m a graduate student at Penn State
> finish up a thesis which examines art museums on the Internet. I9m wondering
> if any plans have been made for including such an exhibition on the Internet
> site for the 1996 World Exposition as these online museums are some of the
> most popular sites on the Web, and an excellent example of bring the 3real
> world2 onto the Net.
> As part of my thesis I9ve created an online version of Penn State9s Palmer
> Museum of Art.
> The URL for The PalmerONLINE Museum is:
> http://cac.psu.edu/~mtd120/palmer
> Please let me know if any plans have been made for such a 3pavilion,2 or if
> there is any interest in developing one.
> Sincerely,
> M. Travis DiNicola
> mtd120@psu.edu

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