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Re: World's Fair Network
Sorry for being so tied up last week. Carl, are we on track now? I have not
seen the drawing that is being referred to. Can we talk this week sometime?
At 12:24 PM 9/29/95 EST, Vinton G. Cerf wrote:
>please work with jack waters to try to find a software solution
>which satisfies the kdd worries but does not force us to backhaul
>ds3 or to put equipment in the rialto-pop.
>Date: Fri Sep 29, 1995 11:48 am EDT
>Source-Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 11:49:43 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Carl Malamud
> EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
> MBX: carl@radio.com
>TO: Nancy A. Berry / MCI ID: 426-9551
>CC: fairmaster
> EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
> MBX: fairmaster@radio.com
>CC: * Vinton G. Cerf / MCI ID: 105-0002
>Subject: Re: World's Fair Network
>Message-Id: 85950929154858/0003765414DC1EM
>Source-Msg-Id: <199509291549.LAA00734@trystero.radio.com>
>U-Mime-Version: 1.0
>U-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>Nancy -
>Please send mail to me in my personal box ... carl@radio.com. I see
>it a bit quicker.
>I will be back in the office on Monday and will get to work to
>get this thing clarified.
>According to Nancy A. Berry:
>> I am following up on this message immediately this evening since we
>> had the call with KDD and it became very apparent that there is some
>> miscommunication regarding what MCI and KDD will be providing. I have
>> two questions for you:
>> 1/ Does the design forwarded to you concur with your understanding of
>> how the network transport will terminate on the US side?
>> 2/ What agreement do you currently have with KDD for providing tranport?
>> The issue seems to be this:
>> KDD will terminate the DS3 directly into a World's Fair expo router
>> on the Japan side and expect the same on our side. Their comment
>> was that in the diagram we've proposed "KDD is giving the circuit
>> for an Internet MCI customer" not to the World's Fair Expo router.
>> We are concerned that this confusion will impact the provisioning schedule,
>> and have asked KDD to go back to the Japan customer and confirm. I advised
>> MCI will do the same.
>> I would, therefore, appreciate your prompt advisement.
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Nancy Berry
>> Date: Thu Sep 28, 1995 04:48 pm EDT
>> From: nancy berry / MCI ID: 426-9551
>> TO: Carl Malamud(EMS)
>> MBX: fairmaster@radio.com
>> CC: Vinton G. Cerf / MCI ID: 105-0002
>> Subject: World's Fair Network
>> Message-Id: 73950928205437/0004269551PK2EM
>> I've faxed to your office today, 202-628-2042, a diagram showing detail
>> of the network we will be providing to you here in the US for connection
>> to Japan. This diagram was also faxed to KDD. The diagram shows all
>> network assignment detail on our side. I've also had more current
>> today which indicates we are on if not ahead of schedule with the testing and
>> commissioning of the service and will keep you posted on this progress.
>> By way of clarification, the service MCI will provide from our BIPP
>> node location in Rialto is a DS3 port which will be for your
>> use through the Internet. Local customer access will determine any
>> capacity restraints for any bandwidth hungry applications.
>> If you have any questions or concerns upon receiving this diagram
>> please feel free to contact me.
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Nancy Berry
>> MCI Global Project Management
>> 908-885-2303 (t)
>> 908-885-4142 (f)

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