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Re: Event Registration
- To: "Carl Malamud [IMS]" <carl@media.org>
- Subject: Re: Event Registration
- From: Philippe Tabaux <phil@park.org>
- Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 15:31:15 +0200
- Return-Receipt-To: phil@park.org
some of the applets are not working in Amsterdam.
Shall we reconpile them here ?
Error: failed to connect to amsterdam.park.org ...
At 08:41 AM 7/19/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi -
>I represent the Brain Opera, which is now online at:
> http://brainop.media.mit.edu/
> http://park.org/Events/BrainOpera/
> http://amsterdam.park.org/Events/BrainOpera/
>etc..., etc.....
>We would appreciate a headline slot as follows in the
> <a href="Events/BrainOpera/">World Premiere of the Brain Opera!</a>
>Needless to say, we'd prefer main.html as our location. :))
>Our premier is July 23, but we are now ready to be pointed
Philippe Tabaux, Kruislaan 409
Email: phil@park.org 1009 DB Amsterdam
Voice: (31 20) 592 5104 The Netherlands
Fax: (31 20) 592 5155
The Internet 1996 World Exposition http://park.org/

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