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Re: Re(4): 'Twas the Night Before Xmas
- To: Rebecca_Pranger@pol.com (Rebecca Pranger)
- Subject: Re: Re(4): 'Twas the Night Before Xmas
- From: "Carl Malamud [IMS]" <carl>
- Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 15:31:42 -0500 (EST)
- Cc: carl@radio.com
- In-Reply-To: <11341503.ensmtp@pol.com> from "Rebecca Pranger" at Dec 10, 95 03:30:07 pm
- Organization: Internet Multicasting Service
Hi -
Great! Our basic need right now is some standard toolboxes and
elements that we can use on the main page for the fair as well
as for the main pavilion entrances.
You'll see a current working template at
Colors are a real mess, but you get the basic idea. We have a basic
grid with:
Column 1: 100 pixels
Column 2: 250 pixels
Column 3: 250 pixels
Row 1: 150 pixels
Rows 2-6: 100 pixels
The main page has the banner going over the first row. Other
pavilion pages would simply have the expo logo (the paint
cans), with text next to it (e.g., "<h1>Global Schoolhouse Pavilion</h1>"
I'm going to use a makefile so the sponsor spotlite and the headline
areas will rotate every few minutes, bringing in a different sponsor
and, if desired, different headlines (e.g., "Visit the whatever").
The toolbox would be on each of the pages. The basic grid would
also be the same. If we have more than 5 things to highlight, we
put a "More Pavilions" button in the last table element, bringing
up an index.2.html file with the additional pavilions.
Do you feel like tackling the expo home page? I can get you
Windows metafiles for the expo logo, plus high-quality bitmaps
for the railroad image. We're on a bit of a deadline: we open
on January 1. I have a professional artist that I've used, but
she isn't very computer literate and I wouldn't mind the design
being done by somebody we can mail or http things back and forth
and iterate on something that works.
BTW, a Cincinnati pavilion would be great!
Phone: 202 544 0882
According to Rebecca Pranger:
> > Go ahead and use our audio.
> > Let me know when you've had
> > a chance to look at the world's
> > fair material and then we can talk.
> Hi Carl!
> I have had a chance to go over the world's fair material at length, and I have
> also shared the information with my business colleagues. It would appear that
> your basic needs involve an interface for the primary areas of the fair
> (central park and the major pavilions, plus a navigational system to guide
> visitors around these primary areas). We would love to be involved with this
> project in whatever capacity necessary. Let me know what your thoughts are,
> and feel free to toss out any other ideas that I may not have realized.
> My partners and I are also interested in the possibility of organizing a
> Cincinnati-based pavilion. We've been involved with online communications for
> several years and have developed a solid network of contacts throughout the
> industry. Most notably, we are involved with a regional telecommunications
> company, and have a relationship with a local museum that could serve as a
> real-world pavilion. We feel that both entities would be very interested in
> this project, and would like to discuss it further with you. Naturally, our
> company would open a pavilion of our own.
> Thanks again for the use of the audio! I will let you know when we have
> everything up and running @ enviromedia.com. Until then, I am looking forward
> to discussing the Internet 1996 World Exposition with you in greater detail.
> Becky @ enviro|media
> 617 Vine Street, Suite 1336
> Cincinnati, OH 45202
> Phone: 513-333-0040
> Fax: 513-333-4112
> P.S. Just out of curiousity, do you have a RealAudio server? I noticed that
> you save many of your sounds in that format...

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