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Re: Status Report on Fair
Lots of good news, Carl. When I met with Dr. Kyong in May, I mentioned
your project. I'm glad he's fully on-board. You've got some impressive
On Fri, 8 Sep 1995, Carl Malamud wrote:
> Hi -
> Just returned from another quick round the world. Things are
> progressing very well internationally. A few of the highlites:
> 1) China has signed a formal MOA to participate in the fair.
> 2) Dr. Kyong, Minister of Communications for Korea, will be
> personally heading up the Korean effort and has appointed the
> President of the National Computerization agency as his
> secretariat. He has agreed to bring presidential participation
> up to the cabinet level.
> 3) Dr. Thaksin, the Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand met with
> me for 45 minutes and has agreed to formally support the effort.
> The Bangkok Post has put their best photographer on the Aw Taw
> Kaw project and this pavilion will be done by January 1.
> 4) Datok Leo Moggie, the Minister of Communications in Thailand
> met with me for over 1 hour. He will bring formal Malaysian
> participation into the cabinet and try to get Dr. Enwar, the
> Deputy Prime Minister involved. Our prime contact for Malaysia
> are now Tommi Chen (of Singapore Technet fame) and Harold Read,
> the General Manager of Malaysia Telekom.
> 5) George Yeo, Minister of Information and Health for Singapore
> met with me for over 1 hour and has agreed to bring the project
> up to the Cabinet and see if Prime Minister Goh will participate.
> The Singapore Arts Festival is formally on board.
> 6) The Netherlands has 3 fulltime people on the fair and has
> letters from two more Ministers on the way. The organizing
> committee has over 2 dozen people including the Digital City
> project.
> 7) Japan had over 100 people at the last organizing meeting and
> has set a 10 million dollar budget. They have enlisted Kurosawa
> (the film maker) to participate. NTT's President has been appointed
> to chair the fair effort and has contributed 14 T3 lines +
> 300 128 kbps leased lines.
> 8) The Nobel Prize Committee in Sweden is a tentative yes.
> 9) Dennis Jennings has agreed to chair the Irish effort.
> 10) Peter Gabriel's studio is up in England and we're moving them
> up the food chain to a T1 line. The Imperial College central park
> machine is under construction and will be ready soon.
> Regards,
> Carl

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