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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Too much, too late ... ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() Interesting press release just crossed my desk: Knowledge Adventure World's Announces Online World's Fair Internet-based Multi-user 3d Experience to Usher in Next Generation of Online Communications Nothing like the scale of what we were looking at, but a very impressive list of Madison avenue partners and some interesting Hollywood types (e.g., Landmark Entertainment + a link to Spielberg). Basically an on-line environment with some good prototype work already completed. I vote we bag the World's Fair tag since that will lead to confusion. They are already out of the gate and I don't want to confuse our vision of a public park with that of a theme park. Both good things, but different projects. Vint and I both wanted to do something permanent. How about turning this thing into a "Public Park for the Global Village." We can still get our 1-year donation from industry by labeling this as a 1-year experiment. We can do the thing domestic, which has a little less glamour but is *much* easier to pull off. That might also mean that MCI could do it close to alone (e.g., give us a T3 connecting four cities and allow us to fan out using local telco and bypass). That also gives us a nice clean role for Interop and the hot-stage facility, plus limits Sun's potential exposure on people clamoring for donations. For cities, I believe we can really pull off Boston, D.C., and SFO. I'd also like to propose that we dump the Feds on this one ... we'll never get out of the gate if wait for them. I've got enough government things ready to go that I can be a good proxy for the Federal Government in the D.C. Cyberstation. If Gore doesn't jump quickly, I'll find us another chair for the D.C. Park Commission. In summary: we build [xxx], "A Public Park for the Global Village." This consists of four public cyberstations in four U.S. cities, connected together with the Internet Railroad. The park will be up and running in the beginning of 1996 and will stay in place for 1 year. Ed Markey gets asked to chair the Boston Park Commission, Will Hearst gets asked to chair the Bay Area Park Commission. Instead of shopping this out to everybody in the world, we choose our partners. I'd like to go to Cisco next and get them to join so we have routers. Vint and Eric: I can prepare a Web-based exhibit so that you have something to show internally to sell the concept. Are we on board? Does a conference call make sense? Carl