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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Draft of my response to the NYT articl ![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() Carl Below is my response to the NYT article. I am also working with a person in the SEC Office of Consumer Affairs to get documentation etc in electronic form. If all goes well they will work with us - they are looking into available resources and how to get the information to us. Unfortunately this article replays what happened at the beginning of this project and I hope it does not screw things up. Finally when are you available July 29, Aug 5 or Aug 12 to hold the second advisory meeting. Ajit To Business Editors New York Times: cc: Laurie Flynn There were some errors in the article: "Need Timely S.E.C Corporate Filings? Look on Internet". As the principal investigator on this National Science Foundation funded project I feel obliged to correct them. First the N.S.F grant is for $660,000 not $680 million as incorrectly reported. Second the goals of this project are to investigate ways of posting large databases on to the Internet and studying the effectiveness of the Internet as broad public data dissemination system. Internet Multicasting Services is our partner and subcontractor on this project. Third, while addresses for e-mail and file transfer protocols are noted we also provide world wide web servers which substantially improve access. This have been in operation since March. Using Mosaic or Lynx (on a vt100 terminal) as client software, users can access our world wide web sites at: http://www.town.hall.org/ http://edgar.stern.nyu.edu/ Today world wide web browsers are the primary mode of access to our servers and provide better features than electronic mail or file transfer protocol for retrieval of EDGAR filings. For example users can conveniently use these servers to retrieve standard corporate filings or do more specialized searches on recent mutual fund investments etc. Fourth, New York University is not just repackaging the data but is undertaking research on ways of organizing and improving retrieval on large data bases, and evaluating the use of this system. Finally, when I was interviewed I made it clear that there are many possible ways of continuing the data dissemination aspects of this project. These include forming university, industry or public-private consortia or a follow-on S.E.C project if the S.E.C chooses to do so. These are best determined toward the end of this two year experiment in November 1995. Sincerely Ajit Kambil Principal Investigator Stern School of Business, New York University _____________________________________ Ajit Kambil Assistant Professor of Information Systems Stern School of Business, New York University 44 West 4th Street, New York New York 10012 212-998-0843 (o) 212-995-4228 (fax)