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Re: AP Wire
Kicking and carryino on but... ya got em!!!
Congratulations on a BIG win:^)!
>Associated Press just reported that SEC Chairman Levitt has said that he
>is "absolutely committed" to keeping the SEC's data on the Internet.
>Levitt has said that Internet distribution has been raised to "the
>highest priority at the commission" and that he was weighing several
>options for keeping the service alive on October 1.
>Needless to say, we're thrilled and want to congratulate Chairman Levitt
>and Commissioner Wallman on their leadership in today's policy decision.
>Carl Malamud
Don Mitchell Tel: (703) 306-1949
Staff Associate, DNCRI Fax: (703) 306-0621
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230 email: dmitchel@nsf.gov

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