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Re: Termination of Internet EDGAR Dissemination Project
There is also LIVEDGAR from Global Securities Information
(1-800-669-1154). They charge $10/per session plus $1/minute plus your
long distance charge. A bit cheaper than getting the document from
Disclosure or Lexis and a lot easier than fiddling with the free version.
Paula Zieselman, F&J LLP
On Wed, 9 Aug 1995, John Graves wrote:
> Peter:
> The current answer is (i). The lobbying behemoths from the big online services are
> finally justifying their fat paychecks, bloated PACs and big DC offices by
> convincing the Federal government that having you pay $265 an hour to view public
> information is better than letting you view it for free. Since Congress is now
> heavily influenced by "pay to play" big business and since Edgar is one of the most
> popular WWW sites, it should be no surprise that there is a lot of money talking
> from the "I want more online revenue" side of this issue - a virtual raging river
> of green cyberspeak. On the other side, the Clinton Administration is trying to
> show it can cut costs everywhere. If CPAs, lawyers and investment bankers (all
> thought to be Republicans) are hurt, no constituency important to the Democratic
> party is offended.
> Unfortunately, asleep in the middle, the American Bar Association, the American
> Institute of CPAs, the American Bankers Association and the associations serving
> other affected professionals are involved with other legislative initiatives and
> haven't taken the time to understand this issue. They either don't think their
> members care about free EDGAR access or believe that their members that do care are
> so insignificant and unimportant that the association's power structure will be
> unaffected by their dissatisfaction.
> You don't have to be screwed. You and other professionals that depend on efficient
> online access can work to change the current answer and keep EDGAR access free.
> You'll have to be willing to fight individually, as a firm and through your
> professional association. Many on this list are going to have to go to their
> employers and say "If free EDGAR access is ended, it is going to cost us $xxxx
> additional bucks. It doesn't have to be that way if we get involved now."
> Involvement means letters, phone calls and maybe some well-placed contributions.
> Then they also have to go to the lobbying arm of their association and convince
> them that this is a priority. This fight is important to you since the outcome
> significantly affects the bottom line of you and your firm. I hope you get right
> to work on it. Time is running out.
> Good luck, Peter.
> John Graves, Editor
> Internet Bulletin for CPAs
> ---------------Original Message---------------
> Does all of this mean that (i) we're screwed,......
> ----------End of Original Message----------
> John Graves johng@kentis.com 216-673-1300
> Kent Information Services, Inc. 227 E. Main
> http://www.kentis.com Kent, OH 44240
> Publications and continuing education that help
> professionals use the Internet in their work.

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