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Edgar- and How We use It
pp001654@interramp.com (John Iliff) sent the following
comment about http://www.town.hall.org/govt/tuttle/:
This is a follow-up message to a previous one I sent regarding how we
use the Edgar database down here in a small public library in Florida.
Unfortunately, we do not have precise figures of how often we've used
Edgar, but in the past year we (and this a low estimate) garnered
300 10k or 10q reports. At a cost averaging $100.00 per report (again,
a low estimate) if we used a commercial database, by using Edgar we
saved $30,000.00 for students, investors, and job seekers (average,
every-day citizens.) This, for our very small budget library,
is an extrodinary amount of money. When multiplied over just the
many public libraries currently connected to the Internet, the savings
easily reach into the millions of dollars. It seems very foolhardy
to not provide such essential information when so many benefit at such
a significant cost reduction for the citizens of our country.
John Iliff
Pinellas Park Public Library
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