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nick@gsionline.com (Mr. Nicholas Keenan) sent the following
comment about http://www.town.hall.org/govt/tuttle/:
Your comparison of the ways of obtaining SEC filings is inaccurate, inflammatory, and unfair.
There are many ways of accessing documents for less than the $622 that you quote. To pound my own drum, it would cost you $13 on my service, LIVEDGAR, to download the most recent Microsoft 10K. Most documents would cost less.
If that is too much for you, Internet Financial of Naples, Florida (a competitor of mine) sells that document for $12.50.
Is that too much?
For $.32 (the price of a postage stamp) , you can order the document from Microsoft.
If, as you claim, you represent the untarnished public interest in the debate over funding of EDGAR dissemination, it behooves you to report the truth. Please update your web page.
Sincerely, Nick Keenan
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