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Entries through October 27.
I repeat - the whole scheme is fascinating bud spetgang (buddli)
Interesting concept. Enjoyed the tour! Ilene Gottesfeld (gotil01@molloy.edu)
This is a nice site with good information. John F. O'Neal, Jr. (joneal@azedlink1.state.az.us)
Very Good Nooteboom (Videoton)
HELLO!! HOPE YOU GUYS ALL WELL. MICHAEL CHI (chi@unitex.linkease.com.tw)
HELP me please get my guestbook working on my page. I want to have a nice page like this, and I'm trying to learn all the homepage necessities. Please e-mail if you know how to get the guestbook working. Thanks Kenneth (ramsey@iamerica.net)
Glad to find this site. Bill Pyles (pyles@digital.net)
Just visiting for the first time. Your pages look great! Jack Garrity (JJGarrity@aol.com)
What a pretty cool website eh!?!
Just wanna say hello to everyone in the world of computers. Noel P. Cabrera (CabreraN@aol.com)
Great to hear from you kiwis all the way up here.
Feel free to e-mail. Wubbo,Diana,Allard,Marjolijn,Jouke (h.peper@tip.nl)
It's a Great! Yasufumi Hosokawa (hosokawa@mediawave.or.jp)
Keep up the good job into the 21st century Abdul Jalloh (Sillagh@nicom.com)
Great place for bringing together cultures of the world.
Interested in First Nations Culture? Visit my web site for
pictures and information of NorthWest Coast Native Baskets
and Artifacts
http://www.saltspring.com/art/view.htm Penelope George (mereside@saltspring.com)
not bad, i like the concept. some the of choices i
could not read on this tv, thru web tv at c. city.
mike swartz (102021.3502.compuserve.com)
The benefits of Fujitsu's FinFin on TEO are many, FinFin helpes
a child learn positive interpersonal and social relations.
Let's try!!! And have fun!!! Natsuko Tsuji (KXC02300@niftyserve.or.jp)
Rivers flow into the sea.
Yet even the sea is not so full of me. Naoki Ueda (XV7N-UED@asahi-net.or.jp)
interesting collection of sites Steve Cline (cline@acm.org)
Hi, I think this is a very good site. Keep on going everyone. Anders (passar.alla@goteborg.mail.telia.com)
Porque si es una feria MUNDIAL todo lo hacen en ingles incluyendo los stands de los paises latinos? ARMANDO (banirh@mail.mda.com.mx)
Een hastikke goeie plaats om iets van holland the zien wanneer
je haast nooit in nederland gewoont hebt.
Dank u van harte voor het werk.
Frans Mr. F.J.Clemenkowff. (Dutchy@ozemail.com.au)
I just wanted to say 'Hi' to everybody around the world...
J. Oberstadt (0413763@ptfe22.hro.nl)
South Africa is the most beautiful country that I'd ever
visited.During this August, I had a chance to go to South
Africa for 21 days. It is Youth Goodwill Delegation of ROC
to RSA. The delegates are all university students. The
government and people of South Africa treat us very well.
It is really a rainbow country!!! YEBO GO-GO!!
Chen, Pei-i (u2040119@tknet.tku.edu.tw)
Very Good !!!
Best Entrance I have ever seen. Exciting Stuff Inside too. I would make it a bit less Jazzy from the inside though. Deepen Patel (Deepen_Patel@ml.com)
This is one of the best navigational sites I've ever
visited. I also think the purpose is truly a great
endeaver. Riesa Croom (webmaster@stdreg.com)
Esta es mi primera visita a esta web y uno de mis primeros viajes por internet. Espero encontrar a algun visitante de mi pais en esta mi primera visita a la Feria Miguel Lucas Sanchez (mlucas@lander.es)
I enjoy this site very well.
I hope this world will eternity. Kiyoshi Akiba (michelle@ba2.so-net.or.jp)
I like to say hello to everyone around the world. This is the site which introduced the world to the computer men Chang Yung Shih (scy6312@ms7.hinet.net)
I want to say hello to all my families and friends. This fair is the greatest event ever!! Tsung-Chih Yang (tyang@uakron.edu)
Wonderful! Minhua Shi (shimhua@nih.go.jp)
I am an International Traveler and a Lover of great food
and wine. Will be traveling to the French Wine Country
next year. Any one with great place to go? Let me know
Patricia Smith (patsmith@concordhilton.com)
This site is just amazing and looks terrific!!. I like to get in touch with people around the world.
AWESOME and if you like, please drop a line.
Paul Kramer (paulkr@meerpaal.bwot.tmf.hva.nl)
I feel Indian religion custum is very interesting.i think
their belief for Hory tree come from their thanksful feeling.
I would like go to India. Megumi Murai (Keiko.Kimura@gakushuin.ac.jp )
This is a fun site. The two opening pages
set the tone for the rest of the experience. Dean Hlavinka (deanh@webgear.net)
Fantastic web site. Anyone up for travel companion to Copenhagen this year? Send e-mail if interested. Roy Quinones (rq90639@mis.finchcms.edu)
I'm from Medical Academy of Spiritual Development "MADRA",
Ukraine, Dniepropetrovsk....
This is the COOL Site !!!
(But my site cool too...) :-)
Go, plz, on my site
http://www.alkar.net/~madra Vladimir Rubtsov (madra@online.alkar.net)
Greetings from Canada. Christopher Dunbar (cdunbar@peinet.pe.ca)
I have one thing to say :
GREAT Mariska Kramer (mariska.kramer@tip.nl)
Absolutely amazing and astonishing layout. Most interesting
informations. Be good !!! Tarik Tarhan (peterk@mbs.mannheim-netz.de)
Congratulations to one of the absolute finest Sites on the
Peter Heisser (http://www.webcom.com/phm) Peter Heisser (peter.heisser@mailbox.swipnet.se)