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Entries through October 06
I hope to join you out there next year! Christopher Feyrer (Naked Dancing Llama_ (cfeyrer@execpc.com)
Son of Albert Leroy Shepard and Mary Eileen Shepard (nee Moore)
Shawn Albert Joseph Shepard (clansheprd@aol.com)
Great job done out there!
Don't miss Colombia Jorge Lopez (jorlopez@cali.cetcol.net.co)
Great Idea. I hope that the internet does not backfire on all of us and becomes a tool to be used by those unscrupoulos souls of mind domination and enemies of us freethinkers Gonzalo H. Iglesias (gamaweb@msn.com)
Fantastic! Great to find intellagent life on the web. Paul Morawski (The_Morawskis)
There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who are creative, who take the risk, and get into new and crazy things, they are like the saints, always against the common. We are able to have a 1,000 Silicon Valleys in the mind.
Those are who push history, and create, those are artists of mankind.
And there are those who follow the sheep, wolves, chicken, pigs, and more sheep. You choose.
Be a Steven Spielberg, Sting, Subcomandante Marcos, el Che, Steven Jobbs, Bill Gates or Angel Spotorno, la Fuerza Creativa de AmΘrica latina!!!
Or be an insect, pushed by media, consume and trivial life. You choose.
Wanna exchange opinions? You can find me in the Creative Zone: creativ@inet.macland.cl.
May the Force be with you, my friend. Angel Spotorno, Fuerza Creativa (creativ@inet.macland.cl)
I'm using both Navigator and IE as browsers. And I saw Mosaic in this expo. I really hope the internet softwares will not be so expensive as now. Just think the students esp. the graduate students who are not rich. They have to be on the net. However they are poor. Kyu Don Choi (kchoi@power.yonsei.ac.kr)
Great site for information. The graphics used here are great. As a webmaster of my school corporations web site, I wish I could create a site as good as this. Greg Marine (gmarine@mcsc.k12.in.us)
Outstanding Web site and page design. It's among the best I've seen. Herb Bethoney (herb_bethoney@zd.com)
Surfing from the couch here on the TV. This little set-top box is revolutioizing the Internet. We are expanding, and because this site attracts so many far out, aware people, I thought I'd let you all in on the secret! Create affluence just by surfing the net!
Being in the right place at the right time is a matter of choice, not chance. Brett McCall (join6208@utdallas.edu)
I have not surfed this place enough but It seems to be great!
Good luck everybody...and if you want, e-mail me.
Byeeeee :¼) Juan Ignacio Tosto Valenzuela (bo805979@bed.buenayre.com.ar)
I like internet,movies,traveling.
Send to me emails. JAMES (james@ms1.hinet.net.tw)
Woh ai Taipei! Hen hao!Woh yung yen ai ni! Fritz Landmann
This site is ABSOLUTY FABULOUS!!!!! Marni Lau Ni (lncheung@cs.vu.nl)
Wow, the internets such a great way to network, ideas and perspective. Now, feels good to really unite and mastermind our ideas and efforts...
"I'd rather get 1% of 100 peoples efforts than 100% of my own" - J Paul Getty
Lets share! Brett McCall (join6208@utdallas.edu)
Very nice site ---> Enjoy our sites !!!
http://members.aol.com/Intaline/welcome.htm Intaline (Intaline@aol.com)
What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.
To bad that I need to go back to work.
I plan on visiting again soon. Denise Deal (denise-deal@uokhsc.edu)
We are new on the net ,but we like it allready !!!
Nice Site!!! F. Ouwehand.
Great fun. Raymond Chang (fchang@mail.coin.missouri.edu)
Quite interesting. Would very much appreciate a Hi-Fi/AV Pavilion, though.
Virachai Plasai
wow! im korean.
i love world.
lee eun hee (in korea)
Interesting--but there ARE some bizarre folks out there, and
I think they ought to scare us more than they perhaps do. Carl Palminteri (capalm@ix.netcom.com)
Very cool!! Liz Carson (carson@Trenton.edu)
What a pleasant surprise! Very nicely done. Cindy Bonfini-Hotlosz (cbonfini@nccvax.wvnet.edu)
The internet expo is a very interesting site. Full of very interesting
topics and computer graphics I enjoyed visiting this site. Corry Evenson (evensonc@cadvision.com)
What a nice place!
I love you guys! Doctor Aleksandr Dubikov (aihavlad@glas.apc.org)
I'm very glad to visit here via Intenet.
Unfortunately, I'm not using ISDN.
So I cannot feel the interactive effects.
But this is good enough to feel the good image.
Hurry up! Korea! Chunun Kang (░¡├ß┐ε) (kurapa@nownuri.nowcom.co.kr)
What an informative page! Please keep us filled in on the new happenings. Be sure to check our site so we can see how we fit in. http://www.risg.com/madness
Apryle and Randy (musicmad@mindspring.com)
What an informative page! Please keep us filled in on the new happenings. Be sure to check our site so we can see how we fit in. http://www.risg.com/madness
Apryle and Randy
Apryle and Randy (musicmad@mindspring.com)
What an informative page! Please keep us filled in on the new happenings. Be sure to check our site so we can see how we fit in. http://www.risg.com/madness
Apryle and Randy
musicmad@mindspring.com Apryle and Randy (musicmad@mindspring.com)
What an informative page! Please keep us filled in on the new happenings.
Apryle and Randy
musicmad@mindspring.com Apryle and Randy (musicmad@mindspring.com)