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Entries through September 27
Very attractive site! Well done Thorphin (jthomas@dave-world.net)
Haven't read it yet but so far, they're looking good. I think I'll like this one.
Malo 'aupito,
Dallin Dallin Muti (dmuti@poi.net)
Excellent idea to create this exposition, good luck!! Maria and Alejandro Duni (aduni@ad.net.ar)
Very good page. Should do this always Cesar Casulari Motta Rodrigues (j.r.j@svn.com.br)
What an absolutely fantastic site. Thank you for bringing it to us.
Michael Barry Michael W. Barry (mikeb@mwbdesign.com)
Be sure to visit the Magical Journey to Greece Homepage!!! Magical Journey to Greece (markakis@andrew.cmu.edu)
Very nice and classic homepage. Sompoch Chitvathananont (sompoch@vayu.mof.go.th)
Esta idea es alucinante sigan asi muchachos.
Habla Joe Crow El Hincha mas fanatico de San Lorenzo en todo el Mundo. Los de River son todos unos ( Putos, mother fuckers por si hay algun ingles) Todas las chicas del mundo llamenme las espero hermosas. Soy Rubio, hojos verdes y Corpulento no me gustan las chicas caretas.
Trabajo en Ugarte 1796 (Olivos) MICROWARE COMPUTACION lo mejor de lo mejor si alguien tiene algo que decir que venga. Las chicas pasen que tengo un regalo para todas. JosΘ Miguel Salgado (joe@microwarearg.com)
My compliments, great site! Mike Finn (mike@songtek.com)
It's good. Stefan Wichert (stefan_wichert@t-online.de)
Visit the EuroCHRIE autumn conference on 6. to 8. november
at the Hotel Management School Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Frans de Jong (persfem@epsilon.nl)
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have just written a worksheet for my students to go along with your Mola International page. We have a reading in our Spanish IV textbook about the Cuna indians in a lesson on popular arts in the Hispanic world. What a gift to be able to show my students so many wonderful examples of the artwork and motifs described in our text. You even had a category (nautical) that our text missed? The sound files were great, better quality than anything I have used so far. Thanks again from a very greatful teacher in Minneapolis. Robynne Runyon and the Blake School Spanish IV classes. Robynne Runyon (robynne_runyon@blake.pvt.k12.mn.us)
Una estupenda idea y mejor realizaci≤n que espero se repita cada a±o.
Magnφficos los pabellones de arte.
Saludos a toda la comunidad internauta. Francisco Valladares-Parrilla (vaparrilla@iic.vanaga.es)
Una gran idea y un noble fin... Cristian Fabian Todesquini (todesquini@movi.com.ar)
Great WEB site. As a parent of current student I love the opportunity to learn more about what's going on at my son's school. The photographs are terrific.
Keep up the good work Daniel Scharf (dlscharf@cctr.umkc.edu)
Excelente idea. Aprovecho la ocasi≤n para saludar a todas
las mujeres del mundo. Si hay alguna interesada en mantener
correspondencia con este espa±olito, os ruego que lo hagais. Enrique (coeo@iponet.es)
Continue next year with it! Luis Pozzi
Soy Cuervo Corazon, fanatico y odio a todas las gallinas del mundo. Aguante San Lorenzo, Para todas las chicas dejen su mensaje y hablen con el maestro.
El que quiera desafiarme por el Fifa 96 que entre al torneo Microware Computacion direccion: http://www.microwarearg.com/ JosΘ Miguel Salgado (joe@microwarearg.com)
It is a very good Internet`s place
i hope internet could be used for good things.
Thank you
Marcos Passarello (mapassar@overnet.com.ar)
Excelente lugar para ser visitado!!!!. Los invito a todos a participar de un torneo de FIFA96 por modem, los espero a todos!!, para anotarse tenes que llenar un cuentionario en http://www.microwarearg.com/ y listo!. Saludos y suerte!:) Guillermo Palli (webmaster@microwarearg.com)
I ain't seen nothing yet! But it will be fabulous...
Laurens Lammers (kuifje@worldonline.nl)
Es un excelente lugar, y demuestra lo que se puede hacer
a traves de Internet.
Es interesantisimo.
Gustavo E. Bossio (gubossio@mbox.servicenet.com.ar)
En mis primeras horas de navegacion, un saludo a todos mis colegas veteranos o novatos DAMIAN JOSE MARTINEZ (rosamar@satlink.com.ar)
Beutiful plages with wonderful places to visit. Kitty Roach (kitty@snowcrest.net)
Excelente idea!
A very good idea!
Marcelo Garcia (fabimar@pccp.com.ar)
Esto es muy interesante y divertido a la vez.
Me parece una idea espectacular.
Saludos a todos !!! Ighal Szwarc (szwarc@einstein.com.ar)
La verdad, las cosas pasan cada dia mas rapido de lo que nos
podemos dar cuenta. A todos, bienvenidos a la aldea global.
El futuro encontrara al mundo completamente unido o no habra
futuro. MARTINEZ MARIO LUIS (lourdes@satlink.com)
Bien hecho, (creo que es solo el principio)
Well done! , (I think it's just the beginning...)
Alex Goyhman (agsalex@starnet.net.ar)
Me entere de esta pagina por el diario y me parecio muy buena. Marcelo Levy (dani@cenlab.org.ar)
Un excelente Website el cual conocimos gracias a un diario de nuestro pais.No dejen de visitarnos. Envien mail.Saludos a todos!!!!! Aldo Alcaraz (aalcaraz@pinos.com)
I'm very interested in your info. I have to find things in school about cultures of countries. I was looking for some cultures here, but was dissapointed to find that you didn't have many of those facts. Cammy Fine (ikahn@earthlink)
I'm very interested in your info. I have to find things in school about cultures of countries. I was looking for some cultures here, but was dissapointed to find that you didn't have many of those facts. Cammy Fine
Espectacular! Mßxima demostraci≤n de la tecnologφa actual.
Un saludo a todo el mundo, especialmente a los hinchas de
San Lorenzo de Almagro, club de futbol argentino.
Un mensaje : Las Islas Malvinas son Argentinas y no deben
ser llamadas Falklands Islands pues ese es un nombre
JosΘ Luis G≤mez (jgomez@houseware.com.ar)
Hellow from Israel,
U r all welcome 2 visit Israel at shani.net or even write
me email 2 my email adress... Roni Merom (ronim@shani.net)
Hellow from Israel, Tel-Aviv
Tuesday, September 24, 1996 at 19:50 Roni Merom (ronim@shani.net)
Muy logrado, lastima que no figure la paginda del ciclon.:)
Mensaje al Mundo: Las Malvinas son Argentinas Marcos Dabbah (Kaos@sminter.com.ar)
Saludos a todos los visitantes de esta interesante Expo Silvio Di Leo (sdileo@mbox.servicenet.com.ar)
Very nice. Sets a new standard of excelence and creativity. Mark Jones (etours@www.etours.com)
I forgot to give the URL to our page; The Digital City Of Rotterdam.
Well here it comes:http://www.mediaport.org
See you there! N. Williams (williams@mediaport.org)
Hello people of the world!!
What a great idea, this website.
Check out the city of Rotterdam!!!!!!!!
We made it!!!
Send me an E-mail full of new ideas (or nonsense!!) N. Williams (williams@mediaport.org)
Hello everybody,
Send me an E-mail!
F. Tokromo (tokromo@mediaport.org)
Nice place to visit, nice people to meet. What else?. Pizza for everyone...
Adrißn Geminiani (cyber@century.com.ar)
Hello from the "Culo del Mundo" to all the world!!!!! Marcelo Grosman (bgrosman@rcc.com.ar)
G'day everyone,
This Fair is an excellent idea. I'm an ex Toronto boy and I try to drop in now and then.
If anyone recognises my name, send me some mail.
It would be interesting to here from an old friend.
Cheers. Arno W Eisemann (arnoe@ozemail.com.au)
It's always a great pleasure for me, even if I live in this country for more than 14 years, to read things about Taiwan. Such a smalll island offer an incredible range of richnesses of all kinds.
I'm french, my husband is taiwanese and we have 2 children carrying the both cultures. They are the luckiest...
Thanks for all the people who worked on that beautiful site.
Congratulation.. Elisabeth Pai (elisepai@ms6.hinet.net)
Congratulations and thank you for the way to place the world at the tip of our fingers. Hector Gallego (hhgall@ix.netcom.com)
Finance - Trade Russia USA
check our url Pyotr Joannevich van de Waal-Palms (russia@aa.net)
I think this is a beautiful site; very interesting, extremely navigable... But I just started looking, so I'll reserve comments on content... L:-) Troy McGinnis (mcginnis@soc.utexas.edu, troy.mcginnis@mhmr.state.tx.us)
this was an interesting site oscar bjernevall (bjernevall@wineasy.se)
Hej och hσ! Madeleine was here
I┤m trying to know when is going to begin this fair?, the
rest of the information is just nice!!! Alejandro Pe±alosa Castro (lnmb@servidor.unam.mx)
Greetings from Fresno California
Just looking for Genealogy, delighted to find your site
Keep up the good work Helen D Landby (helnem@cybergate.com)
Just testing the script. Me
President Clinton will be in Freehold NJ this week! Richard Hopkins (rhopkins@thecore.com)
Impressing! Untill next visit. Paul Mook (pmo@pi.net)
felicitats !!! es fantastic Jordi Checa (checkgate@grn.es)
glad to be here hans van zeeland (jzeeland@dataweb.nl)
bla, bla, bla, bla........ Ally Taylor (Pebbles 888)
no comment
yvonne swart-rodenburg
Lots op pages, a lot of informations, a lot of work for a wonderfull result. Thank you for showing us other countries and ... have a lot of hits. Thanks. Serge Brocteur (serge.brocteur@skynet.be)
Connection with internet thorugh my university always show
that I come from JAPAN.PARK.ORG.
BUT WHY?? SHIN SHIRAISHI (shins@shinshin.com)
Hi world !!! Teodor GOZNIKAR (teodor.goznikar@eunet.si)
I wish that this idea was mine...
Keep up!!! Jose' Lopes (voodoo@mail.telepac.pt)
Very, very nice.
My best compliments.
Olbia, 20.09.1996 Mr. Mario Bassi (mariobas@mbox.vol.it)
It`s very good! Cedric.J.Yuan (s07377@cc.ntnu.edu.tw)
Nice Lay-out but try to put the Logo in the center.
Wright between the two horizontal lines.
Use the " " tag
Good Luck,
Greatings. Tester (Tester@luc.ac.be)
bla bla bla.... hubba (hmm@hmm.se)
Nice to visit your homepage. Achmad Chamdani Eka Prijono (eka@ate.advantest.co.jp)
What a wonderful effort!!! The world gets smaller every single day...and I, for one, am overwhelmed to be a part of it! Lisa Dunker (ldunker@concentric.net)
If you are not THE BEST THING GOING on the Internet,
I will eat my mouse! Linda Proe (lproe@direct.ca)
Quite an experience Werner van Kempen (W.vanKempen@inter.NL.net)
Congratulations! A very important and interesting event. Heriberto Fuertes G≤mez (adornativa@svn.com.br)
Oooh! Isn't it exciting! Technology eh? eleanor field (e.field@ic.ac.uk)
hello world simon orchanian
We own the Chestunt name and logo, we build
Chestnut Canoes. Call us for details. Robbie Sprules (ideas@tsworld.com)
nice initiative Theo Out (t.a.out@pi.net)
No comments Mathieu Luijs (mluijs@caiw.nl)
good luck to you. Jan Kortekaas (kortekaa@tref.nl)
I surpize to this site. very very good!
I wish that this site success ending.
Jung Jong Kap (hipon@hotmail.com)
I concede to my fellow Ivy Leaguers, James and Raj. Yale is the number one university in the world. However, I must disagree with them one one point: this web site is not only the best at the moment, it's the best ever! Dave Green (dgreen@princeton.edu)
I agree with what my fellow Yalie has to say about this site.
Raj Adlakha (Rajeev.Adlakha@yale.edu)
Great work, people, and kudos from all of us at Yale University (The number one university in the world!) to the number one web site. James Auxier (James.Auxier@yale.edu)
Como todo venezolano orgulloso de su pais, felicito a los creadores de esta pagina, y espero sigamos adelante, EXITOS. Glenn Glenn Gomez S. (Glenn@yomama.com)
Great Idea. Lets Keep it runnung. Protect the thoughts/ Stomp out invasion of Privacy.
Check out my Url http://ddi.digital.net/~rjk Lance Valiant (rjk@digital.net)
Hello. Ashwin van Rooijen (empatzer@evansville.net)
Greetings from Amsterdam! I lived in Tokyo, Japan for several years until 1990 so I decided to say hello. I am a translator and my hobby is genealogy. My URL is http://www.worldaccess.nl/~yntze See you! Yntze van der Honing (yntze@worldaccess.nl)
The concept is very good and interesting. I really enjoyed
the concept. Ariel Marcelo (asm@epic.net)
One of the coolest websites I've been to in a while! Definitely bookmarked. Thanks!!! Jane Groh (redbud@ix.netcom.com)
Greetings from Northern California, USA. This World fair idea for the internet is an interesting idea! MJ Worman (M.Worman@ix.netcom.com)