Entries through September 1

Any hams out there? Love to talk to you. AB7BU

Douglas Stangler (stangler@interserv.com)
Des Moines, WA USA
Sunday, September 01, 1996 at 23:50:35 (EDT)

Have ISDN setup, want to learn how I can really take advantage of ISDN

Mark A. Roslawski (markros@dynamem.com)
Huntington Beach, CA US
Sunday, September 01, 1996 at 16:19:30 (EDT)

Yes, the graphics are lovely, I have your postcard on the wall. Fortunately, I have post card (fold-out, no less) of the Columbian exposition in Chicago. It is a privilige to be part of the origins of this emerging technology. The clarity of the vision is yet to come. History has a way of unfolding and giving perspective to the "hasting and evanescent present". In the spirit of the Columbian exposition, I give my best regards.

Dan Garigan (d.garigan@ieee.org)
Dallas, OR USA
Saturday, August 31, 1996 at 20:11:22 (EDT)

I have visited this sites for the first time, so I don't yet know what is interesting for us. But, congratulations for nice pages.

Saturday, August 31, 1996 at 12:40:26 (EDT)

Dennis, I was here first.

Tallahassee, Florida USA
Saturday, August 31, 1996 at 11:24:21 (EDT)

I'm a musician?

Masayoshi Ohta (mb@sun-inet.or.jp)
okazaki, aichi japan
Saturday, August 31, 1996 at 09:13:29 (EDT)

It's nice!!! Cool Music Site "Music Brand Japan"

Kazufumi Takahashi (kazufumi@gol.com)
okazaki, aichi japan
Saturday, August 31, 1996 at 09:10:39 (EDT)

Congratulations this is an excellent contribution to the INTERNET. ííííííCajones!!!!!!

Pedro Pablo Gonzalez Garcia (ppgarcia@lander.es)
Cadiz, Spain
Saturday, August 31, 1996 at 03:20:11 (EDT)

hallo I am here it is an very good site

custers pieter (pieter.custers@skynet.be)
beringen, limburg belgium
Friday, August 30, 1996 at 15:56:18 (EDT)

Hi from Innsbruck

Dieter Zoller (anw_zodi@pc-213-001.atlr.gv.at)
Innsbruck, Tirol Austria
Friday, August 30, 1996 at 11:25:58 (EDT)

Nice picture, isn't it!!!!

Yitien Lee. (yitien@mail.seeder,net.tw)
Taipei, Taiwan
Friday, August 30, 1996 at 06:27:38 (EDT)

BRAZILIAN CONGRATULATIONS from for the most important Internet event of the world. CONGRATULA╟╒ES BRASILEIRAS ao mais importante evento da Internet jß realizado em todo os tempos.

Leonardo Lapa Valenτa. (leolapa@svn.com.br)
Salvador, Bahia Brazil
Thursday, August 29, 1996 at 23:28:53 (EDT)

This is terrific. I really like appending comments to your web page! Thanks for the opportunity!

Eliott Webb

Thursday, August 29, 1996 at 22:45:47 (EDT)

just for a look

amei (sbwa@nethos.net)
basel, schweiz
Thursday, August 29, 1996 at 09:58:31 (EDT)

This was a great site.I will come back.

Magnus Grindvik (mj15155@janus.swipnet.se)
Borensberg, ╓sterg÷tland Sweden
Thursday, August 29, 1996 at 09:13:20 (EDT)

Congratulations for this great job! Well done. Day to day our virtual community will be growing and growing...

Guillermo Gomez Arjona (g.gomez@filnet, 100621,116@Compuserve.com)
Castelldefels, Barcelona Spain
Thursday, August 29, 1996 at 06:18:02 (EDT)

Great site, very instructive

Arie Hoekman (diem!ahoekman@sdn.org.hn)
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Thursday, August 29, 1996 at 00:01:10 (EDT)


Mike Conners (mconners@sprynet.com)
Irvine, CA USA
Wednesday, August 28, 1996 at 22:13:31 (EDT)

Congratulations this is an excellent contribution to the INTERNET.

Walter Maldonado Zepeda (walterm@simon.intertel.hn)
San Pedro Sula, Cortes Honduras
Wednesday, August 28, 1996 at 14:17:46 (EDT)

Hello from a tiny, itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny place called Zⁿrich in Switzerland. That's were the world famous BAHNHOFSTRASSE is. George the KIWI.

George Studer (stg@ringier.ch)
Zⁿrich, ZH Switzerland
Wednesday, August 28, 1996 at 11:17:40 (EDT)

This is a very nice implementation of the guestbook script. I hope to have one up and running on our site within the next few days as part of the "Just For Kids" section I am working on.

Ray Charest (ray@cyberzone.on.ca)
Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada
Wednesday, August 28, 1996 at 09:31:41 (EDT)

Groeten from Eindhoven

Marco de jonge (mb591@hi.ft.hse.nl)
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Wednesday, August 28, 1996 at 08:41:47 (EDT)

Great place. Thanks for information.

Apichai T. (nas001.@loxinfo.co.th)
Bangkok, Thailand
Wednesday, August 28, 1996 at 08:37:42 (EDT)

The site is very informative and easy to follow! Keep up the good work.

Jenni Bongard (jbongard@iastate,edu)
Ames, Iowa USA
Tuesday, August 27, 1996 at 21:18:03 (EDT)

Felicitats per aquest web. Felicidades por este Web. Saludos a todos los hispano parlantes i a todos los internautas del mundo

JOAQUIM GALLEN (pulga10646@webhouse.es)
Tuesday, August 27, 1996 at 19:05:50 (EDT)

It feels good to see people working together on the future.

Gary F. Mikel (gfmikel@hal-pc.org)
The Woodlands, Texas U.S.A.
Tuesday, August 27, 1996 at 18:52:02 (EDT)

Greetings from Finland.

Jouni Salminen (jouni.salminen@pp.kolumbus.fi)
Vantaa, Finland
Tuesday, August 27, 1996 at 17:23:08 (EDT)

This is the beginning and I want to be there! Este es el principio y íyo quiero estar alli!

Fernando J. Echevarrieta (echeva@dit.upm.es)
Tuesday, August 27, 1996 at 13:24:34 (EDT)

El mundo ya no tiene fronteras. Internet borr≤ esas odiosas lφneas del mapa. Cyber-fanßticos del mundo: busquemos c≤mo podemos encontrar la forma de compartir el mundo en vez de disputarlo.

Carlos Verdugo R. de A. (cverdugo@mailnet.rdc.cl)
Santiago, Chile
Tuesday, August 27, 1996 at 09:22:19 (EDT)

It's great to be able to append these comments to your guestbook! This is a great example of the interactive nature of the WWW. Thank you for this opportunity!

Gerald White

Monday, August 26, 1996 at 22:24:01 (EDT)

creo que internet puede ser un lugar de gran comunicacion y que podria hacer posible el concepto de aldea global, animo a todos lo cibernautas en esta aventura pues de los pioneros es siempre la felicidad del descubrimiento......

joaquin oliva armisen (joaquin@redestb.es)
Barbastro, Huesca Espa±a
Monday, August 26, 1996 at 18:32:25 (EDT)

Great Stuff!!

Jim Culver (century@zilker.net)
Austin, TX USA
Monday, August 26, 1996 at 17:06:05 (EDT)


Monday, August 26, 1996 at 16:27:10 (EDT)

This exposition is very good! Congratulations to all Cyberusers, From Honduras to the Virtual and Real World!

Mario Lanza (mlanza@simon.intertel.hn)
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Monday, August 26, 1996 at 13:57:03 (EDT)

Searching from popular science for homestudies of science for a 10 and 7 year old found yours interesting!

Al LaBansky (labansky@sonnet.com)
Tuolumne CA
Monday, August 26, 1996 at 12:41:02 (EDT)

I'm a japanese undergraduate student. My home page is not available English version, sorry. Hum...

KATO Yasunori (t2952303@cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp )
Utsunomiya, Tochigi pref. Japan
Monday, August 26, 1996 at 08:55:07 (EDT)

This fair is very good!

Kevin Iek (iek@lynx.bc.ca)
Richmond, B.C Canada
Monday, August 26, 1996 at 05:55:14 (EDT)