Entries through August 18

World Exposition is very good site! so, You access counter must have high value...

Witold Cizmowski (webmaster@fs-samba.com.pl)
Gdansk, gdanskie Poland
Sunday, August 18, 1996 at 17:46:13 (EDT)

I saw your website today (for the first time). Thank you very much for all the informations I've found here. And keep on doing your hardwork. It's great. Best from Igor Stromajer, INTIMA

Igor Stromajer (igor.stromajer@guest.arnes.si)
Ljubljana, Slovenia Slovenia - Europe
Sunday, August 18, 1996 at 15:16:37 (EDT)

Le durachdan!

Chev. J, David Murdock (Mhuirich@getnet.com)
Phoenix, Arizona USA
Sunday, August 18, 1996 at 10:23:05 (EDT)

Search Friends (m/f) to write over Internet worldwide... Write english and better German. Suche Brieffreunde (m/w) um hier ⁿber Internet Breife zu Schreiben.

Rene von Euw (reneve@active.ch)
Richterswil, ZH Swiss
Sunday, August 18, 1996 at 05:17:12 (EDT)

Wonderful discovery web site! I look forward to visits here often.

Matt Waters (annallew@nti.net)
Anniston, AL USA
Sunday, August 18, 1996 at 00:30:44 (EDT)

Because I am too sleepy I cannot check this interesting web site, but my husband says it's cool!

Minerva Bal (104557.1245@compuserve.com)
Miami, FL USA
Saturday, August 17, 1996 at 22:35:44 (EDT)

My first visit

Wesley McEldoon (wesleym389@aol.com)
Boston, MA USA
Saturday, August 17, 1996 at 22:08:11 (EDT)

One of the best sites I have seen. Thank you, the Internet is something all of us are interested in. Sharing intelligence world wide is extraordinary.

Eileen Perlman (eep1031@ix.netcom.com)
Los Angeles, CA USA
Saturday, August 17, 1996 at 06:59:01 (EDT)

Just viewed

Panithi Sukhowattanakit (pom@cm.ksc.co.th)
Chiangmai, Thailand
Saturday, August 17, 1996 at 04:54:35 (EDT)

Excellent idea! Love the look and feel of your pages. All this, and it's fast, too.

Tim Veon (tsv@msn.com)
Lindenhurst, IL US
Saturday, August 17, 1996 at 02:20:00 (EDT)

I have a very special friend in Rouen, and was pleased with the "tour" of Normandy, which allowed me to visualize and get a feel for the many places we visited there together.

David Pearce Hopkins (tawnya@ccpl.carr.lib.md.us)
Westminster, Maryland USA
Saturday, August 17, 1996 at 01:44:40 (EDT)

Very Interesting!

John K.Tiesworth (JonTies@AOL.com)
Dallas, TX USA
Saturday, August 17, 1996 at 01:01:35 (EDT)

Please finish the work,than I can read in Chinese

Raven Lee
Richmond, B.C. Canada
Friday, August 16, 1996 at 20:35:17 (EDT)

Place no head above your own.

Rick Shaw (shaw.rick.a@tcinc.com)
Englewood, CO USA
Friday, August 16, 1996 at 19:51:08 (EDT)

May the force be with you :)

Luke Skywalker (benyouss@pilot.msu.edu)
E.Lansing, Michigan USA
Friday, August 16, 1996 at 16:18:29 (EDT)

I came, I saw, and it looked pretty good.

Ian Stokes-Rees (ijstokes@uwaterloo.ca)
Waterloo, ON Canada
Friday, August 16, 1996 at 13:53:12 (EDT)

Very interesting site!

Po Sang, Lui (eddielui@hk.super.net)
Hong Kong, - Hong Kong
Friday, August 16, 1996 at 13:38:18 (EDT)

Great site. Thanks for all the information!

Jerry Ramsey
Richmond, VA USA
Friday, August 16, 1996 at 06:34:21 (EDT)

Nice to see the world. See ours. Rob Huisman, director Association of Dutch Designers BNO

Association of Dutch Designers (bno@bno.nl)
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Friday, August 16, 1996 at 05:35:39 (EDT)

What's a terrific site!

aphidet KHAMKAEO (aphidet@loxley.co.th)
Friday, August 16, 1996 at 04:37:12 (EDT)

We loved the desing of your page. Come visit us on your next trip to Yucatan. Learn Spanish or simply stay in our B &B Inn.

Centro Cultural Cancun. study abroad programms (cccanun@generation.net)
Cancun, Q. Roo Mexico
Thursday, August 15, 1996 at 12:22:16 (EDT)

I saw som pretty things overhere. Try DigiFace

ype (ype@digiface.nl)
Amsterdam, NH Holland
Thursday, August 15, 1996 at 10:03:43 (EDT)

While Internet may serve to connect us, may it never enslave us.

Jim McDonough III (jmcdonou@ctron.com)
Rochester, New Hampshire USA
Thursday, August 15, 1996 at 10:03:06 (EDT)

Hello, I am a new Internet member and I would like to Congratulate you on your New Internet Expo. It is brilliantly design and easy to use. Now I can feel very much at home by visiting your pavillion. Congratulation again and hello everyone.

Wang Chen Chia (husman@student.gu.edu.au)
Brisbane, Queensland Australia
Thursday, August 15, 1996 at 02:48:56 (EDT)

Hello, I am a new Internet member and I would like to Congratulate you on your New Internet Expo. It is brilliantly design and easy to use. Now I can feel very much at home by visiting your pavillion. Congratulation again and hello everyone.

Wang Chen Chia (husman@student.gu.edu.au)
Brisbane, Queensland Australia
Thursday, August 15, 1996 at 02:48:18 (EDT)

A very nice tour!!

Forrest Hsu (forrest@mail.bst.net.tw)
Kaohsiung, R.O.C.
Wednesday, August 14, 1996 at 23:39:19 (EDT)

I'm impressed with the amount of high quality of work that went into this Expo 96. Great Job to all involved in this project.

David R. Johnson (dross951@worldnet.att.net)
Lansing, MI USA
Wednesday, August 14, 1996 at 18:33:46 (EDT)

What a beautiful time sink :-) Congratulations!

Patricia Ann Canivan (75511.3125@compuserve.com)
Wednesday, August 14, 1996 at 17:52:52 (EDT)

Very Interesting and Informative. We just love it!!!

Michelle Bomser (MICH60@aol.com)
Kew Gardens, New York USA
Wednesday, August 14, 1996 at 12:01:34 (EDT)

I hope this is a good site!

Aaron Greenfield (dataman@netaxs.com)
Philadelphia, PA U.S.A
Wednesday, August 14, 1996 at 11:32:02 (EDT)

Congratulations! This site is really impressive! I think every surfer should visit this place.

Mariusz Karbowski (t-matic@vena.telbank.pl)
Bia│ystok, Poland
Wednesday, August 14, 1996 at 09:26:32 (EDT)

excellent resource!! will visit regularly, keep up the good work.

Jeanne A. Pullis (jeannie@worklife.com)
Stamford, Ct. USA
Wednesday, August 14, 1996 at 09:18:25 (EDT)

Great site!!

PΣivi Manninen (yj1a19@kai.naturpolis.fi)
Kuusamo, Finland
Wednesday, August 14, 1996 at 07:45:40 (EDT)

Well done!

Anna Maria T. Francisco (minette@compass.com.ph)
Manila, Philippines
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 20:19:20 (EDT)

Excellent.A place to visit many times.

Ron George (art@saltspring.com)
Saltspring Island, B.C. Canada
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 18:48:13 (EDT)

Recieved your Web site from Sept.1996 issue of Popular Science magazine Pg.55.Excellent

Lindon Greer (LGREER@wow.com)
Liberty, Missouri U.S.
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 16:17:10 (EDT)

It's very GOOD!!

Chihwen Chen (chihwen@da2.so-net.or.jp)
Yokohama, Kanagawa Japan
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 14:16:03 (EDT)

I'm a student from Ecuador and I think this page is awesome!!!

Jose Coronel (jcoronel@frodo.okcu.edu)
Oklahoma, OK USA
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 13:36:57 (EDT)

Nice place..

Grant M. Martin (martin@voyager.net)
Kalamazoo, Michigan USA
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 13:29:27 (EDT)


Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 13:28:41 (EDT)

This is a great internet exhibition and makes internet world close to every people in the world. It's just a first hour of my visitting and I'll see all sure.

siras chotivejthamrong (siras@infonews.co.th)
bangkok, thailand
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 12:46:26 (EDT)

To my opinion this site is great.

Filip Bruynooghe (Bruynooghe.F@INnet.be)
Roeselare, Europa Belgiδ
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 09:03:49 (EDT)

I'm impressed!!!!

Pertti Sotkasiira (pertti.sotkasiira@tele.telebox.fi)
Helsinki, Finland
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 08:00:41 (EDT)

I just wanted to say a few words of praise to those who've contibuted to the layout and authoring of this web site: It's smart, appealing, and very consistent - a true work of art - beautiful!

frank (frank@deepsummer.com)
Colorado Springs, Colorado USA
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 04:03:15 (EDT)

I love it!

Ed Manheim (cubedata@pi.net)
Hattem, Gelderland Netherlands
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 03:35:31 (EDT)

Nice Site

Dave Rafferty (firefly@sierra.campus.mci.net)
Rocklin, CA USA
Tuesday, August 13, 1996 at 02:01:55 (EDT)

Looking good !!!!!!!!!!!!

Eduardo Godoy (Egodoy@aol.com)
Coral Gables, Fl USA
Monday, August 12, 1996 at 19:54:53 (EDT)

I'm just about to take a look around the site, but from what I have seen until now, it is clear that I will have a good time. I hope this goes for all you cyberfreaks out there! Yours faithfully,

Serge Spanjaard
Delft, The Netherlands
Monday, August 12, 1996 at 18:39:06 (EDT)

Nice Site Folks

Roger J. Fudala (rjfudala@lanmail.rmc.com)
Midlothian, Va. USA
Monday, August 12, 1996 at 16:57:32 (EDT)

Wat een Pagina......... :-()

Frans de Vries (erikniel@tref.nl)
Reeuwijk, Holland
Monday, August 12, 1996 at 16:44:42 (EDT)

Just found the site and will return !!

Jim McEachern (mceacher@escape.ca)
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
Monday, August 12, 1996 at 16:06:11 (EDT)

Wonderful! Thank you for including my website, "The Earthquake and Weather Station", in your Earth Pavilion! It belongs in an international setting.

Craig Griffith (griffitc@sonoma.edu, cgriffith@csus.edu)
Sonoma, CA USA
Monday, August 12, 1996 at 14:29:08 (EDT)

This is a great Idea

Nelson Vasquez (nelson.vasquez@vnz.mts.dec.com)
caracas, d.f. venezuela
Monday, August 12, 1996 at 14:19:08 (EDT)

Awesome home page ..... I like it ! Share some tools for me ?

S Wijaya Yudha (f1102ak@rad.net.id)
Depok, Jawa Barat Indonesia
Monday, August 12, 1996 at 13:41:08 (EDT)

A very nice site. Congratulacions!

jac. c. van batenburg (0vbatenburg01@nop.flnet.nl)
Emmeloord, netherlands flevoland
Monday, August 12, 1996 at 05:59:44 (EDT)